Balance – Breaking Visual Balance

Visual Balance

“Visual balance is the sense that a design is equally weighted on both sides of its vertical center. A balanced design feels complete and comfortable.”

Breaking the Rule 


A lack of balance is a great way to create a sense of movement or tension within the design.

Dietrofront (Michelangelo Pistoletto)

-The sculpture consists of two female figures, one balanced on the head of the other

-Breaking Visual Balance: the sculpture is not equally weighted on both sides of its vertical center. The left side seems heavier than the right side. 

-Balance maintenance: the horizontal figure, which is hollow, hangs from a steel structure concealed inside the lower figure. A supporting column is rigidly fixed in the foundation plinth, runs through the internal cavity of the vertical figure, and supports an horizontal beam on its to end. 

My design (Sketch)


-Experiment with two cups and a spoon (tried to create the sense of unbalance) 

-Draw a sketch according to the photo of the experiment (Fig.1)

-Tried to adopt the contrast of color to create the sense of unbalance 


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