Brainstorm Research Driving Question

[Your research question] What is the question that you are trying to investigate?

I want to explore how framing and vividness effects affect teenager’s donation decision-making?

[Population] What is the population that your study addresses?

Teenagers (12-19) in Beijing 

[Significance] Why is this question important to answer?

It is important to understand whether present ways of nudging donation are also applicable on teenagers since many of the prior research were done on adults. 

[Hypothesis] What is your hypothesis?

H1: Teenagers’ donation rate will be higher when the solicitation framing is negative.

H2: A negatively framed message will be more effective than a comparable positively framed message when promoting teenagers’ contribution levels.

H3: Teenagers’ donation rate will be higher when vivid imagery exits in message framing. 

H4: With vivid imagery, framed messages will be more effective than a comparable framed message without vividness when promoting teenagers’ contribution levels.

H5: Teenagers’ donation rate will be higher when vivid imagery exits in a negative frame solicitation than comparable positive frame solicitation.

H6: A negatively framed message with vivid imagery will be more effective than a comparable positively framed message with the same vivid imagery when promoting teenagers’ contribution levels.

[Sampling method] How do you intend to sample?

I plan to select a convenient sample first, collecting data from people in my social network. Then, I plan to conduct an experiment on MAS learners. 

[Research method] Will this be an experiment, quasi-experiment, correlational study, survey, test, naturalistic observation, or case study?

Survey & experiment  

[Study design] How do you plan to carry out the study? What is the procedure?

1)I plan to send questionnaires to participants and collect their data includes, donation amount, gender, age, previous donation experiences.

2)I plan to conduct an experiment in MSA, but I am still thinking about how to design the experiment

[IV and DV] What is the independent variable and the dependent variable?

IV 1: With vivid imagery/without vivid imagery 

IV 2: High default donation option/low default donation option

DV: Donation rate and donation amount 

[Confounding variables] How do you plan to address these?

Potential confounding variables include age, gender, previous donation experiences, monthly pin money. To control these confounding variables, I will ask the participants to record their age, gender, previous donation experiences, monthly pin money in the questionnaires. 

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