System Thinking | Unit 4 milestone

The Problem

I find both the western and eastern medias have accused the USA president Trump in very different ways and views, also it seems like he has a lot to do with the never-lasting pandemic event around these days.

So I want to use this key question to define the fields I am going to research on:

What is Trump’s behavior before and during the pandemic and what changes did he bring relatively?

About the Problem

My researching field of this problem will be the news media in USA, official data about the pandemics and events/time in USA.


The system structure of the problem—CLD
unit4 CLD

This is the first and final version of my CLD based on what I researched on, the key element in this CLD is [Amount of protesting people], [Changes due to Trump’s decisions&announcements], and [Probability of Trump being the president in next election]. Between these elements, I listed what I believe might influence the changes and what might influence the one that influences.

In the CLD, there are three main elements that can be quantified: [Confirmed cases in USA], [Cured cases in worldwide], and [Amount of protesting people], I chose them because I can see their changes directly in relative datas.

Elements in CLD

The first element I put in this CLD is [Changes due to. Trump’s decisions/announcements], it represents Trumps’ effect on the coronavirus, e.g. Trump’s announcements on the “George Floyd” event, which determines how the Americans see Trump and the amount of protesting people on the street who protest racism.

The second and third elements are simple: [Amount of confirmed cases in USA] and [Amount of cured cases in USA]; these are the variables which I can manage to see the direct changes on the data.

Another special element similar to that is the [Amount of cured cases in worldwide], this element determines several things:

  • The amount of cases in USA compared to the world
    • This can influence the people on the street, because they can see whether USA is below the average amount of cases(worldwide) or not.
  • The amount of cases throughout a timeline of events worldwide
    • This means the timeline of the pandemics in global views, also it indicates how the other countries deal with their cases, and also how is the future of USA compare to the future of other countries.
unit4 CLD loops

Then I added three loops in the CLD, they are all balancing loops, the green loop is the most important one and also the one needs more attention.

This loop is quite similar to the blue one, from the [Amount of confirmed cases in USA], the [Amount of cured cases in USA] was determined by that, and it leads to the [Amount of cured cases worldwide]; with more cured cases and less confirmed cases in USA, Trump will be more active on having speeches on the topic, and announce more positive news to the public. That will make less people doubting him and the progress of making the vaccine will be more fluent.

The concept of this loop can also be used in the blue loop, on a statistic view, once USA prevent the daily increase of confirm cases and death, I believe Trump’s supporting rate will increase since that happens.

unit4 CLD LP
Leverage points

In this one, I put two leverage points in the graph, the LPs cannot be taken action by me, but it is where the president can work on.

I assume the rate of daily cases is still the same, basically the part where can be taken action will only be the [Activeness of Trump’s speeches]

To dig more into the action part, I chose an archetype similar to the structure of the problem: Shifting the Burden

Origin model

This is the origin model, the structure of it represent the way of fixing a problem wrongly.

The Problem symptom in this case is the infected population, in other words, [More people infected] and the fundamental precaution to that is basically letting infected people go to hospitals and get cured there. But there are delays, the delay for here is the delay of curing, the progressing of patient in hospital and delay of getting them checked and then sign out from the hospital.

But there is also a symptomatic solution, people go on the streets to protest the government and the racism in America, although the problem symptom doesn’t quite relate to the symptomatic solution, but I consider the protest of George Floyd as one of the symptoms too, the reason is simple: they always have side-effects.

The side-effect in my case in that people will get infected without knowing it, that can make his surrounding environment sick. And once they were found, the hospital need to search for the people they have contacts with over and over again.

Other referring elements

I listed some elements I will be referring in the CLD and archetype:

  • Trump’s polling rate and possibility of being the president in next election
    • This includes the supporting rate of Trump’s biggest competitor-Biden
  • Population of protesters(George Floyd event)
    • This is different to the people protesting Donald Trump’s behavior(which happens even before the racial event)

Expected event over time graph and future consequences

I drew four expected events/time graphs based on the possible leverage points Trump have the ability to take.

scenario A-1

This one shows the event/time of the predicted fact that Trump did not take any action on people’s symptomatic solution, and the cases of the pandemics will grow quickly.

The assumption is that Biden took over the place and there are two expected futures:

  • Future a: the vaccine was not discovered or the rate of daily increasing cases is not coming down.
  • Future b: the racial protests and political protests against Trump was stopped and the rate of daily increasing cases will decreases slowly.
scenario A-2

The assumption is that Trump managed to control the pandemic and there are two expected futures:

  • Future a: People stopped the political protest against Trump and the government start to arrange the patients wisely and efficiently.
  • Future b: Trump managed to win the election but the pandemic was not stopped. There are two branches of assumptions I believe:
    • 1. The racial protest and street robbery isn’t stopping(political protest too), Trump is not making any markable progress.
    • 2. Trump’s competitor Biden is lack of competitiveness and persuasiveness in the election and Trump was voted essentially as the president.
      • (I have researched on this part, there are still a great chance it is gonna happen)
scenario B-1

The assumption is that Trump did not do any thing about it, the y-axis represents Trump’s authority and there are two expected futures:

  • Future a: Assume Biden becomes the president but the racial protest(even political protest) is not ending in USA, also the daily cases might rise as well.
    • (Biden has said in a speed that he will end the racial war with two months after he is promoted as the president)
  • Future b: Biden solved the problem and the amount of people protesting went less.
    • (Biden seems have great convincingness among the black people so-far..)
scenario B-2

The assumption is that Trump has taken certain actions and there are two expected futures:

  • Future a: Trump have only solved one of the problem of none(due to the fact that he have no strong competitors), he continues to be the president but the problem remains.
  • Future b: Trump have solved the problem from both sides of the problem and the amount of protesters decreases.
  • Future x: This is based on future b, with less political protesters and relative issues, the supporting rate maintains.

Summary and take-aways

It’s been a quite quick unit for me, because I faced a lot of milestones in these weeks and didn’t focus on this article at first, although I like to dig into the topic, but it is still a bit late when I start the project of unit4.

But I do enjoy the entire progress, to find the mental model, archetype, CLD, relationship and leverage points in a field I just started studying about. For me it is a challenge at first, and I am impressed that I really spend time to wrote an article in a whole. For me it means to apply what I learned to what I am interested, and it is quite cool.


Click to see my working document

小厨神 | 拔丝苹果(CN)


7 – 8汤匙⽟米淀粉(如果使⽤的苹果⽐较大,像图⽚中的那⼀个,则使用8匙,如果较⼩,则使用7匙)(65.66g – 75.04g)
1x苹果(选择一个结实,有香味的大号苹果) 0.25公⽄斤油(如果没有重量,请参考下图)


2x烹饪锅 1x汤匙(大汤匙或类似于图⽚中⼤小的普通汤匙) 2x碗



1. 剥去苹果皮(将苹果握在非惯用手中,将削皮器握在惯用手中,从苹果末端开始削苹果皮,从未端往自己身体的方向削,(从底下往上削)。可以在一个碗或者水槽中进行此操作。

2. 粗略将苹果切成几大块(可使用鹰爪手式:用手做爪子状放在食物上,确保指尖在手指的前部后面(整个手掌包括手指一直到指尖末端都是紧贴这个食物的),将刀切向前方,这样就不会不小心割伤手指)


3. 将五汤匙玉米淀粉与水混合(一次加入一汤匙水,并搅拌使其充分混合,直到混合物均匀为止。*最终混合物应与蜂蜜的稠度大致相同)



4. 将剩余的2-3勺玉米淀粉洒在苹果块上,用手使他们充分融合直到所有苹果块都覆盖上一层薄薄的玉米淀粉



1. 将锅放到小火上(热锅)一小段时间后倒入油,将火力调至中火来加热油。


3. 2-3分钟后,苹果块会变黄,这时将其取出并放入盘子中。静置1分钟

4. 将它们放回碗中再次油炸,当它们呈苹果般的黄色时,将其取出放在盘子中

5. 取另一个锅(不要热锅),并在其中放三汤匙油。然后放入2勺水,使它们混合并且用小火加热。

6. 将所有糖放进去并继续混合它们直至颜色变黄(此时应该会有大量气泡出现并且稍微有点稠

7. 将所有苹果大块放入糖混合锅(上一步骤用的锅)中,并用均匀的糖衣(上一步骤产生的物质)覆盖苹果块

8. 在我们用来盛食物的盘子上(参考步骤四的盘子)倒上半勺的油,这样盘子变冷的时侯糖不会变粘。

9. 从锅中取出苹果块放在盘子上,趁热赶紧开动吧!!!





清洗后从土豆的一侧还是, 用手拖着削皮刀握把慢慢滑到土豆的另一侧

反复几次后你会发现中间有些缝还没滑到, 这里就需要谨慎了:

尽量轻轻的把削皮刀放在还没刮完的皮上, 边提着刀子边拉, 否则你会削掉一大块土豆


拿出你的菜刀(具体参考另一篇刀类入门文章), 用刀的刀剑插入土豆的凹进去的地方, 在周围用刀画个圈, 这样这块倔强的皮就会下来了

Or use the circled part of the peeler (if you have one that is similar) and dig it into the unpeeled parts.


After washing the carrot, take the carrot in your hand like the picture above and peel using the peeler away from you. Peel long strips from the base of the carrot to the tip and turn the carrot in between peels.

After the sides of the carrot are peeled, cut the base of the carrot off using a knife.




Same with carrots.



西红柿这种水果, 需要先煮一下才能剥皮


在西红柿的下面(没有小草的那一边)用水果刀或者菜刀滑一个十字, 这样更容易剥皮



把西红柿拿出来(小心烫), 从后面的十字慢慢开始剥皮



注意: 洋葱这个东西很刺鼻刺眼, 切的时候可以选择将其泡在水里进行(如果你火眼金睛就不用啦)

先找到洋葱的两端的突出, 找到最突出的那一端用刀直着切下来



你会看到剥完一层后里面很新鲜, 有这样的效果就完成了


注意: 如果层层都是这样, 这个洋葱有可能坏了


Continue reading “小厨神|去皮新手村”

SystemThinking | Milestone 3 个人部分

Current Situation

What problem am I trying to solve or analyze?

The problem I and my fellow teammates are facing is that, every time we have online meetings, we often come up with new goals, but the new goal will always get reduced by the content and situation of this meeting.

To be specific, we used to have the goal to make an app to layout our products, but the idea was canceled due to several meetings we had. This phenomenon leads us to a question: Is this pattern normal for a project like this?

Ouch !
Why is this problem happening?

Based on the patterns and experiences we list out, I found the initial element that determines the problem: How we consider our true strength.

There’s an example we used, during the first checkpoint, our goal before we actually act is use a short video to make a clear understanding for us and our audience about the “application scenario”, “target customer” and the product; but when we are actually dividing into groups to make that video, we found out that the quality is not to our level of expectation.

If the event above is a start, then this is a real critical case:

Our goal before checkpoint1 is to present our final product on an APP we make, but right before the beginning of checkpoint2, we found out the final result is too ideal, because our tech is not enough to support the goal, so after 2-3 meetings we decide to lower our objective to “Making a wechat official account”.

After that, we were always worrying about our capabilities and competitiveness among with our competitors.

What are our opinions and beliefs?

Based on 1v1 interviews for the whole team in my IP, we wrote down two key sentences about the solution:

  • Understanding of our speciality and ability

Some of the crew members, especially the project managers, do not have a clear picture of how well can we do the project in certain limited time.

  • Understanding of teammates’ strength and speciality

As a manager, my interview target Johnson Chi believes that the event of lowering goals is because the teammates are not ready for the change but also not clear of their job.

So me and my crew-Henry&Steve, start to work on graphing the system model in order to explain the situation of the project based on our view and the answers we got form the 小厨神 members.


The system structure of my Project Track
小厨神 project track system model

The CLD basically tells about our understanding of the problem, we first graph it from the center-“Expectation of future investment”, because it represents the self-assessment of the members which supports their choices.

The next element it influences is the “Ability of competition”, it represents our strength relative to the forces in the same industries as our’s. According to the sample graph, it is the thing that causes the project to shrink into lower goals. We don’t have enough strength to battle with the apps that people usually use right now in the market, so we come up with the idea of lower the final product and maybe even build a healthy, collaborative relationship with the hottest apps in the market. In Chinese idiom, we call that “退而求其次”(retreat for the second best).

In the lower right quarter part, we put the “Capabilities compared to the professionals” because we believe that it is the reason why we lower the project to another level, and that is the corrective action due to the sample model.

Finally our “Details of how to cook” became the actual, and we understand it as our actual strength and the starting point where we can show our speciality.

The sample CLD we referred to

We only put one delay on the CLD, but the delay includes several key points in our action.

The delay is called “Delay of applying details”; in Chinese we separate it into “Delay of gaining the details” and “Delay of applying details”. To gain the details is a progress of gaining feedbacks and iterating our speciality(details of how to cook). The ideal delay is about one week, because the project should be having a output in the checkpoint 3, we decided to set the time between checkpoint 2 to checkpoint 3.

For the “Delay of applying details”, we had to say that it is not settled yet and it might never will, because we will be choosing more and more detail materials&recipes in the future and the delay exists as long as we are still pushing the iteration.

Feedback loops and Behavior over time graph

Although this is a CLD graph, at the beginning we wanted the relationship between elements in the graph to be only the relationship of causes&effect, or “causal relationship”. The only relationship that contains correlation relationship is between the “Detail of how to cook” and “Expectation of future investment”. The relationship is +, because the more we can find on our special strength, the more expectations we will be looking forward to.

Since the loop is a reinforcing one, I drew a behavior over time graph about the bad situation happening right now.

Behavior over time graph of our group

The graph is quite clear and it displays the negative view base on above.

As you can see, the steak of our strength is at the time when we haven’t seek to compete, and it went down when we start to estimate our strength among the competitors in the same industry.

Finally, if we do not fix the problem, we will end up only competing with the weak competitors and the quality will be quite negative.

What will be happening according to the CLD?
Steve’s graph of events/time

This is an events/time graph by Steve, it presents the elements “inside team”, “user’s need” and “function of project” on the left, and using that graph we can see the needs from user is increasing after the first meeting when we get divided into groups. But oppositely the enthusiasm of the team is not enough to support the ideal situation. So the best way of action is to try to make something good happen in the team and cheer everyone up in order to get the efficiency going well.

And that leads us to the next step-Action and Leverage points

Leverage action and Consequences

This is the part where we put most of our focus at, the leverage actions are the actions we come up with our assumptions, it is also our first move in the project.


Based on the mental models and the interviews above, we made two assumptions to the problem:

  • Assumption 1: Be optimistic about the downgrading of a goal and consider it to be inevitable.

In this assumption we were trying to solve the problem of treating the “lowering case”, because it happens a lot when a project was first born to the world.

Belief: If everyone is active and does a good job in division of labor, the project will go smoothly

The belief is our future visualization, and division of labor is one of the keys of the leverage point we will be talking about soon.

  • Assumption 2: There is doubt and ambiguity about the goal when recognizing the problem, that will lead to the “degradation” of the goal

This assumption is about us trying to manage the recognition of the problem and how we see the problem as one of the troubles we will essentially meet in any projects.

Belief: If everyone’s participation and time of investment for the project can be improved, the project can be carried out efficiently and smartly

The point we would like to begin with is the efficiency of the entire team, because we believe that more views can get us more ways of solving the problem.

Leverage Actions and Effects

We figured out three actions that are based on the analysis above:

  • I- Give everyone a working goal, which starts from the overall goal of the project.

This is a very smart action, because this can prevent the dispute and misunderstanding in the group, the problem is based on this issue:

“Everyone’s work objectives are not based on the overall objectives of the project (or the overall objectives of the project are not clear enough to be disassembled”

So the ideal situation is that next time when we are facing a problem after dividing into groups and jobs, we can be very clear of what do we actually want and what is the objective based on everyone’s working goal.

-Negative effect

We don’t have the ability to provide everyone their own goals which comes from the main goal

As a project that has only begin for 3 months, the goal of entire project is as a whole, so the members in the group might not be able to handle well with applying their own personal goals

  • II- Active communicate in group chat to ensure direct communication.

This action comes from the mental model, because the communication part determines how our information runs, so active communicate is quite well-needed.

But there might be a negative influence though, it might swipe some important information in the group faraway, and then it will be very troublesome to find them, so the next step is to find a more convenient tool.

  • III- In the long-term goal management of the project, each person’s responsible role is determined, and only some of them decide to narrow/change the goal

This action comes from the central phenomenon in the system structure, that is the change(lowering) of long-term goals under of non initiative condition. As one of the “Manager” in the project, the pain points I pay attention to can be changed by only the managers of the project team.

So before facing this kind of phenomenon, the group can first carry out risk assessment by a manager and a product person, the main target is to see the gap between the stage of real acting and the ideal target.

-Negative effect

The project managers might can’t hold the progress of changing the objective well enough

We only have two managers in the group(Johnson and me), and sometimes we even need other people to replace our position. So if the action is to get the objective controlled by only the managers, we are not sure if they can manage it well.

Other potentially problematic Consequences
  • People might consider the lower goal in negative views

Even though we want them to view “Be optimistic about the downgrading of a goal and consider it to be inevitable”, but sometimes people will doubt the possibility of actually making the project come true.

But I understand these effects to be quite easy to fix, because through out time our ability of managing the goal and the project will be able to grow. And our experience of “lowering objective” will get more and more skilled and proficient.

Summary and take-aways

This unit provide a great experience for us, especially in applying what we learn in real problems around us. Compare to the last unit, this unit is more about our lives and we can literally see the effects of our acts because they are near us.

We have done finding a lot of leverage actions using the view both of inside and outside of the group, and the relevant interviews are also very practical, these are the biggest take-aways in this unit.

This is our project track ppt

Click to see the detail of the ppt

小厨神 | 菜谱库1.0






The mysterious village

在这个村子里, 和你一样的菜鸟们将得到最全面的晋级方法-三个关于餐桌刀具的入门讲解。

如果你能够掌握了这些, 想必之后的晋级之路对你来说也是小菜一碟。


削皮时容易把食物削成抽象派作品? 点进来学!

By Cherry&Roy



By Johnson&Astrid



See the source image
By Steve&Peter


茄子青椒和西红柿小姐 | Astrid

By Astrid Zhang

拔丝苹果 | Cherry (英文版EN)

By Cherry Zheng

拔丝苹果 | Cherry (中文版CN)

By Cherry Zheng

照烧鸡块 | Roy

By Roy Gao

洋葱炒蛋 | Johnson

By Johnson Chi

夏日冰激凌 | Peterson

By Peter Lian

凉拌白肉 | Steve

By Steve Ye
Continue reading “小厨神 | 菜谱库1.0”

小厨神 | 照烧菜谱


原材料: 鸡肉(鸡脯)、圆葱、西兰花、胡萝卜、白芝麻
调味料: 盐、橄榄油、胡椒粉、大豆油、生抽、料酒、老抽、蚝油








1. 鸡脯可以切成块或者切成中小块

2. 放入3:1:1:1的生抽, 料酒, 蜂蜜和蚝油

3. 用手简单搅拌后放入黑胡椒和胡椒并腌制10-30分钟

4. 大火凉油放入鸡肉, 煎至两面金黄

5. 再根据上面的配方调一小碗的酱汁, 呈金黄色后浇在上面

6. 放入洋葱片和更多胡椒粉

7. 开中火收汁, 有内味后可以拿出来


1. 西兰花和胡萝卜切片或块放入冷水, 放入半勺盐和一勺橄榄油

2. 用漏勺或者小碗把水沥干后拿出来

3. 往上面淋一点橄榄油


用之前3:1:1调的酱汁, 不要放盐或者胡椒, 否则没内味


  1. 先垫米饭, 垫到碗的中下层, 然后将胡萝卜片和西兰花按照自己意愿摆上去
  2. 在留一块大的地方摆上肉块, ⚠️注意要同面朝上
  3. 将酱汁浇在上面
  4. 撒上白芝麻
  5. 端到桌子上



SystemThinking | Unit 2 Summary Blog

Improving the atmosphere of online student’s collaboration

A few weeks ago during an assignment in the course, I discovered a problem of students when it comes to collaborating.

The main sentence of the problem is “Students felt the atmosphere of team working is not efficient as offline learning(learning in one building) before, many teammates start to rely on others while they do not contribute.”

Below is the CLDs I’ve been drawing and revising:

First draft with only loops
Final draft with loop, delays, and leverage points

The first need that comes out from the diagram is the “Need for Collaboration” it is the source of the problem, it came from group home-works, but remember although it causes problems, it itself is not a problem.

We assume the “Average Group Working Skill” of students were low, and that causes us to distinguish the “Reliable Teammate” from the unreliable teammates. And when people with low group working skills knows who can they rely on in their group, they wont be making much contributions to the group but rather leave the works to the reliable student, which is usually their team leader.

With that effect, the productivity is no longer stable. Because the efficiency of the whole team depends on the leader, and sometimes they don’t even know what to do without their leader.

Also, more people start to rely on their leaders might cause the lost of their group working skills. And the online learning atmosphere will be more isolate and cold.

Action&Leverage point

The first idea comes to my mind is to replace the phenomenon of “needing other reliable teammates” with “increasing personal team-working skills”. Because the goal is to make every responsible for themselves and not relying on others while finishing an assignment

So the first solution to the CLD is the “Training and Chances of Practicing”, it represents the chances of improving our personal ability. If that point grows, it can influence the productivity and decrease the need for more “Reliable Teammates”. Therefore ideally the productivity will be relatively increase and the atmosphere will be better.

The two leverage points

So then I found the two leverage points where I can put into action: “Personal Ability” and “Reliable Teammates” there are two actions we can took from:

  1. We can increase everyone’s group working skill, so that nobody is relying on anybody.
  2. We can change certain amount of group assignments into personal assignments. So that we don’t have the needs for teammates to have collaborations.

The first reason requires certain delays, for example the delay of sensing the problem and applying the training is an important one. But the second reason can solve the problem for good.

This is my Behavior-over-Time graph in an ideal view:

The Behavior/Time graph for the first solution.

This is the result we can see using the first solution

The graph for the first solution, effect1
The graph for the second solution, effect2

The effect2 is for the “Personal assignment managing skill” over time, it’s another view from the first effect.

Process Tracking

During the process, the element I will be using to track the result and changes will be:

1.People’s group working skills

The reason for that is simple, because in the future everyone will face the fact that collaboration is one of the unavoidable things we should work on, and if the tracking of collaboration skill’s trend is going upward(slope=1), that means the action is worth to be continue. But if it is going downward of staying the same(slopes=-1/0), I might need to check if the need of collaboration for them is enough, and if nobody is requiring them to collaborate with others, I will find if they will be needing any collaborations in school, if the course is designed to be proceed individually, it is normal. Otherwise, we might need to change the policy.


The word “Atmosphere” here is a little bit more complex than the previous one, an atmosphere includes people’s feedback to the environment, how active people are, and last but not least, how can the atmosphere help people if they need.

For an example, if there’s a great amount of people that share one atmosphere, but they don’t seek to find any benefit to their individual work, I will see that as an entertaining atmosphere, it is not about gaining, but about sharing. Oppositely, if people need other people in this atmosphere to help, but the result is not ideal, there is a problem.

Expected Consequences

The consequences are under different requirements

  • Focusing on group working
    • Everyone get better scores
    • Nobody no longer needs others to rely on
    • The atmosphere of learning is active and alive than before
  • Focusing on personal learning
    • [Positive effect]
      • Personal assignment managing skill develops better
      • More efficient when solving individual works than group works
    • [Negative effects]
      • Lost some of their group working skills

As a summary, the solution is depending on the need of the course, although efficiency is something a lot of people seek to pursue, I would focus on a long-term effect which includes the need of future-collaboration. 加油⛽️

The Problem of Traditional Education in China

We always talk about the environment of “high level education”, in this page, I will be talking about my thinking during the weekend about Chinese Education.

I made a CLD about my system of Chinese Education, these are the details.

Education CLD (Chinese)
Education CLD (English)

As you can see, the phenomenon I manage to find first is “The government controls the education environment” start from that, we can see the unified education, which means everybody is having the same learning material, same kind of teacher.

As a better result, the student’s knowledge can be more systematic and comprehensive.

But that will also lead to the limitation of a student’s future. Because the public education is the only way for most of the kids in China, in a perspective they are limited by their education. For example in the next box, criticism says they are lack of moral education, creative thinking, social quality.

That leads to the government’s eternal goal, the key examination, for example “高考” ”中考“ and other big tests during a normal student’s study career.

In many Chinese documentaries, I see no dreams when I look into these kids’ eyes, “their hopes are already destroyed along with their innocent soul”, they would say.

But throughout time, some of us decide to study abroad, which is a popular option now, and when students go abroad for schooling, many International schools emerges. And after the students went to other countries, some of them decide they want to stay there, and maybe get a job, then the effect of that will be the decrease of employment rate(in China). because the word “employment rate” represents the percentage of employees as to the total number of employees and unemployed people, which includes the students and the people who have jobs in other countries.

The key word “employment rate” leads to the productivity of the country, which leads to the financial resources and GDP of the country.

And when these factors are stable, the government wouldn’t change anything, they would keep it going, that’s the stability of the nation, which leads to the stability of the power the government has towards controlling our education.

These we went above is actually a nice reinforcing loop which can push China into better circumstances, but there are still some elements I didn’t talk about.

Let’s look back to the start of unified education. That also leads to the capability requirements of the teachers, which means if we need you to be well educated/senior enough as a teacher or not.

But the thing in China is, that we do not need any more great teachers or special teachers in the classroom, the school only needs the ones who can give the homework and do everything the same they told you to. But a normal teacher who only reached the standard is not enough, and also if the faculty-student ratio is too wide, they cannot take care of all the students. That leads to the next boxes.

If you want to get paid being a teacher while have no skills and only care about money, it is a really easy work to do in China, over couple of years, many crimes of corruption issues happened, especially with the high officials in education fields.

The next is “study-weariness phenomenon”, when the students are tired of studying and graduating from schools to schools, these series of phenomena often leads to the fight within a family, skipping school, even suicide.

I also did my research on some important elements in the CLD, for example the level of education in China, the employment rate both in China and other countries.

The overall level of education in China
the number of graduation from 2010-2017
The stability of “nine year compulsory education”
The employment rate after graduation in 2016
The population of online-studying


Also I tried to analyze the problem we are facing in China, here are the results:

  • Reinforcing vocational education

The most important one, to improve the quality of vocational education, and universities can add vocational and technical education so that students who are willing to choose the path of academical future can have their professional development target&training.

This will be able to cause a reinforcing loop since it worked, and the fund for the student will not be wasted. Also the professors will be more help for as a mentor.

  • Develop skills beyond graduation

Although it sounds like a dream, but we do can improve better if we focus more on individuals rather than their grades. So that in the educational perspective we are doing the right thing.

  • Loosing examination system

Stop pushing students and giving them too much pressure, stop using only the system of “Standard Examination” and value students in different views.


A perfect system within humanity is always reinforcing and changing

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