【Artifact Title】

A Steak

【Artifact Lable】



This artifact is a video. The name of this video is “A Steak”. This project is my IP project. I made this video with my IP partners. This video is showing about a cow’s story from birth to death. In this project the competency is system thinking.

The reason that we decided to make this project is, we want to let the people realize that they are paying the price when they are eating steak. It is important to realize that. Our IP ‘s main topic is climate change, so this video’s main idea is surrounding about the environment.

The process of making this video was very hard for me, especially the knowledge part. First, we use one day to talked about our topic, and we finish decided the main topic. Our final rendering form will be in cartoon. After that, Riley and me were going to draw the split-lens script. We draw the lens one by one, and we thought about each lens’s composition. I am not good at drawing, but my partners always encourage me, it let me moved.

We totally spend one week to draw the split-lens script. When we finish drawing the script, we move on the hardest part. The animation part. This part is the technology part. In this part our teacher– Caomei teach us. We use an app called AE to make our Cartoon. AE is a professional app to making the Cartoon, and the film making. It is very hard for us, especially me. I haven’t been exposed to this kind of app before. To me, this was new. I always asking question to Caomei and my group mates. I always get confused. I really thanks to Caomei, because she spend so much she’s private time to help me solving my questions.

This video is not the final version. Because we didn’t have time to finish this video between these days. We will finish the video before the final exhibition. Below the link is the first 49seconds of our video. We will keep working on!


In this project I learn a lot professional things. When I was making the Cartoon, I learned a lot of knowledge about AE. AE is a professional app for making Cartoon. It is very complicated. But this app is the only things that could use when we were working on this project. I learned a lot of basic knowledge about AE, such as creating a character, and let it moves it selves. I spend all the times to learn how to use AE in this project. The competency that I improved through this project is System thinking.

In this competency, System thinking, the skills that I improved most is 6A Big picture. In this project, our sights is global, the big picture. Though project we made is focus on a small topic. But the background of our video is the whole world, the global. Our project‘s topic is about steak, and its called “A Steak”. We use steak to reflect the Global warming. When a cow were died, they can emission a lot of Carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide production will accelerate global warming. When cow fart, they naturally produce carbon dioxide. Of course, there’s not only carbon dioxide in a cow’s fart, but also methane, and other substances. Methane is eight times more likely to be able to do so.These are all the factors that contribute to global warming and damage the environment. We want to use this video to appeal to people who are aware of the environmental damage of steak and hope that people can eat less steak.

In this project, what we need to improved is our knowledge and data part. We didn’t spend much time to searching the data. The whole time we were working on is AE. I think, we can add some more data in our video.

Artifact and Evidence

Video Artifact: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16V411C7sA

[This is a artifact that is not completely (the first 49seconds of the video. We will finish before the exhibition)]


A link about the project(includes our script and idea..) https://shimo.im/docs/Ct8rjkHvyWdCPhCk/read


【Artifact Title】

Math Video

【Artifact Lable】



This project is a math project. It shows in video. I made this video by myself, and I use this video to introduce a math problem– Right Triangle Trigonometry. In this video you can see that all are in details. I explain them details by details. The competency in this project is Learning how to learn and Oral Presentation.

The reason that I want to do this project is that when I was making this video this video can also help me to review my math knowledge. I am not really good at math, so this is very helpful to me. The steps of making this video is very clearly. The first steps for making this video is finds the knowledge part that I interested. After determineI the topic, I let myself to review the knowledge part. It is important for me to clearer understanding the knowledge part. I search on the main idea of the knowledge part, and they helped me to review the knowledge. Before I record the video, I put the knowledge points together and wrote them down into a note. After I finished writing them down, I began to record my video. The way of presenting my video is recording myself. I sat my phone top right my dest, and I introduce my knowledge. I wrote the knowledge when I introduce them. It is clearly, and it is easy to understand it.

When I recording this video I learn somethings in it. I know clearly about the problem. When I was recording this video, I also need to find some exercise for it. I need to answer it by my self. This is another chance to exercise myself. I didn’t ask question to Ryan. In this project, all of these stuff was make by my self. I didn’t need to ask Ryan about the math problem. I solved them by myself.


In this project I learn how to study by my self, and I also review some math problem. When I was making this video, I also learn how to take note quickly, and present the knowledge that I want to show. In this project, I improved two competencies. They are Learning How to Learn, and Oral Presentation.

In the competency Learning how to learn part, the skills that I improved most is 9C Acquiring ideas. This skills is focus on researching and taking notes. When I was searching the sources that can help me to review, I can understand what is it saying. I was reading very quickly, but I get all the important part through the reading. When I am reading the resources, I also take notes to help me understand. I’ll take down the parts I’m not familiar with and understand them in combination with my notes.

Between the whole project, I didn’t ask question to Ryan. This is also another part that I improved. There didn’t have any help from external. I realize the knowledge that I still need to review is by myself. I know really clear about myself, about the knowledge that I master and the knowledge I still need to review.

The next competency, Oral Presentation. In this competency, the skills that I improved most is 12A Clarity. The first steps when I was making this video is choosing a topic. A clearly topic would be clearer when I introduce my video. My topic is Right Triangle Trigonometry. When I was introduce my video, I set them to several part. It can have a logical, and clearly.

The things that I think I can still improved is the presenting part. I can use more presentation techniques. In this video, I didn’t use a lot of presentation skills, I was only expressed it clearly, let the audience understand… Next time, I can use more interesting tips to control the whole presentation.

Artifact and Evidence

Video Artifact: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dQ4y1N7oR


finding the knowledge(review&learning by my self)

Reference: Baidubaike

Note taking part(knowledge)

The knowledge that can use in the daily life

some problem that can be use in daily life(also in the video(artifact))

collecting other people’s feedback