Project Plan of The Net Project

1. Project introduction

The Net Project project is a public service course for students from the Junior High School Affiliated to Peking University. A total of 12 junior high school students participated. Students will conduct public service research under the guidance and experience the implementation of public service projects from three aspects, planning, publicity and funding. In addition, this project encourages students to produce their own innovative solutions for planning, publicity and funding and encourages give it a shot.
“帐篷计划”公益项目是北大附中初中部“文化魔方”的一个子项目。总计参 与12名初一初二学生参与。学生们将在指导下进行有关于公益的课题研究,并 从策划、 宣传和筹款三个方面体验公益项目的执行。此外,本项目鼓励学生产 出自己的关于策划、宣传和筹款的创新方案,并鼓励学生去尝试。

The topic of the project is that Chinese youth assist Africa’s “anti-malaria” cause. Therefore, students will understand “malaria”, the global problem,  and have their own views on it. By donating long-term anti-malarial mosquito nets to African countries, students will help Africa to control this lethal disease.
项目的公益主题为,中国青少年助力非洲“抗疟防疟”事业。所以,学生会 了解”疟疾“这个全球性的问题,对其拥有自己的见解。通过为非洲国家捐助长 效抗疟疾蚊帐,助力非洲的疟疾防治。

The time span of the “Tent Project” public service project is 5.13-6.14. During this time, students will first learn the relevant knowledge of public service and project management, and carry out preliminary practice on campus. In addition, leading students out of the campus is also an indispensable part of the “Tent Project” charity project.
“帐篷计划”公益项目的时间跨度为5.13 —6.14。在这段时间里,学生将先 学习公益和项目管理的相关知识,并在校园中进行前期实践。此外,带领学生 走出校园,也是“帐篷计划”公益项目中必不可少的一个部分。

2. Project Goals

(1)The project could lead students to concern, think and research international subjects. It helps them to broaden international horizons and establish awareness of global citizenship, realizing their research and action could have a positive impact on society, country and the world.
(1)带领学生关注、思考、研究国际性的课题 。拓宽国际化视野、树立全球 公民意识,意识到自己的研究和行动能对社会、对国家、 对国际产生积极的影 响。

(2)Students are able to discuss actively, communicate reasonably, cooperative effectively with group members, harvesting research achievements, organizing activities successfully, solving practically problems.
(2)能够与小组成员积极讨论、理性沟通、高效合作,获得研究成果、成功 组织活动,解决实际问题。

(3)Students could take part in public service practice, experiencing the implementation of project, improving creative mind and planning ability.

3. Course leaders and teachers

Shi jing
Teacher from 
the High School Affiliated to Peking University
Organize students and control project progress
Jessica Wang
Student from Moonshot Academy
Course design, project execution, research guidance
项目设计、课程设计、 项目执行、研究指导
Daniel He 何基正Student from Moonshot Academy 探月学院学生项目执行、研究指导
project execution, research guidance

4. Course Arrangement

The Course Arrangement of the Net Project

6. Project supports and resources

Support side/Resource sideProvided assistance
Course Design
Moonshot Academy
Course design, ideas and methods provided
Public Service Guidance
Heart Flying Volunteer Team
Specialist’s lecture
Practice Week schedule
中非民间商会, 心飞扬志愿团队
China-Africa Business Council, Heart Flying Volunteer Team
联系大使馆 校外义卖场地提供
Contact the embassy;
Provide off-campus charity sale venues

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