Welcome to Moonshot Academy Art Center, in this blog, please explore our art courses progress and amazing art creation stories from MSA learners during their stay in Yanqing County, Beijing, in September 2020.

Here is the MENU :
- Get Ready for the New Semester
- Art Courses and Learners’ artworks
- Recommended Exhibitions and Art Resources
- 迎接新学期
- 艺术课程和学习者作品
- 艺术展览和学习资源推荐
Get ready for the New Semester
Before the semester officially started, our two Art Tutors, Xiaoqing Zhu and Mowen Li have joined Academic Department courses planning and finalized art courses mapping and syllabuses, which were later provided to learners for course selection, please click here for the related document.
新学期开始前,探月的两位艺术导师,朱晓晴和李墨文参加了学院学术部的集体备课,完成了艺术学部的四年课程规划、本学期的艺术课程教学计划和大纲, 以上资料在选课阶段皆已经提供给学习者, 如需了解请点击这里查看。
At the Course Selection Info Session on 3rd Sep, Xiaoqing Zhu, graduated from School of Art Institute of Chicago(Chicago, USA) and Central Academy of Fine Arts(Beijing, China) ,and Mowen Li , graduated from Royal College of Art( London, UK), have introduced both art courses structures and their personal artworks to all learners, since art is the language that artist use to speak out, once you see their artworks, you know who they are, what they believe, and whether you want to learn from them. We hope that our Art Tutors could lead learners to achieve better thinking and creating by designing art projects structure for them.
在9月3日面向集体学习者的选课大会上,朱晓晴老师(毕业于中央美术学院和美国芝加哥艺术学院)和李墨文老师(毕业于英国皇家艺术学院)不仅向学习者们介绍了本学期的艺术课程主要内容,也向学习者们简单介绍了她们自己的艺术作品,因为,作品是艺术家独特的语言,通过作品,你可以看到背后的艺术家究竟是什么样的人、她们相信什么追求什么、以及你是否愿意从她们身上学习、又可以学到什么。 我们希望探月的艺术导师可以言传身教, 通过设计艺术项目引导学习者更专注的思考和创作。
What’s more, Xiaoqing and Mowen have joined the New Family Parents Meeting on 24th August, to share their LivingLibrary Stories about what brings them to Moonshot, Xiaoqing’s topic was about the importance of art education, and Mowen’s topic was about how to create own path of life, which both moved and inspired some parents to share their ideas of education and art publicly. At the School Opening Ceremony on 31st August, Mowen shared her art project in Afghanistan to all learners, to awake that whoever you are, art could support you in better self-understanding, and in your positive actions for a better world.
此外,8月24日的新家庭社区日活动中,两位艺术导师也和新生家长们分享了她们的真人图书馆故事,晓晴分享了她对艺术教育的理解观点, 墨文则分享了她是如何创造自己的生命轨迹的故事,她们的分享触动了一些家长把孩子们送来探月的期盼,家长们也纷纷分享自己对艺术和教育的看法。 在8月31日的开学典礼上,墨文和所有学习者分享了她曾经在阿富汗设计的艺术项目,希望学习者们相信,艺术可以让人更好的了解你自己、而你也可以用艺术创造一个更好的世界。
Art Courses and Learners’s Work
In this semester, 3 art studio courses and 2 interdisciplinary courses were provided for around 50 learners( in total 70 places available, around 20 learners have joined 2 courses ). Besides, due to few learners chose Art History, we cancelled this course but linked the knowledge to art studio courses.
本学期,探月艺术中心开设了三门艺术创作课和两门艺术跨学科课程,共计70个学习名额, 有50名不同的学习者参与其中, 其中约20名学习者报名两门课程。 而原本计划开设的艺术史课程,由于选课人数不足而取消,两位导师调整课程后决定把艺术史的知识点与艺术创作课结合设计。
Below is the list of current art courses and involved learners:
- Art Studio 1: Painting, drawing and Graffiti ( 19 learners are divided into two classes/ Tutor: Xiaoqing Zhu)
- Art Studio 2: Sculpture and Installations ( 13 learners/ Tutor: Mowen Li)
- Advanced Art Studio: Project-Based Practice (8 learners/ Tutor: Mowen Li )
- Art and Technology IP: Interaction Design Project (12 learners/ Tutor: Xixi Liu & Xiaoqing Zhu)
- Art and Psychology IP: Game of Power ( 15 learners/ Tutor: Zao Wang & Mowen Li)
- 艺术创作课 1 :绘画、素描和壁画(19名学习者分为两个班/导师:朱晓晴)
- 艺术创作课2 :雕塑和装置(13名学习者/导师:李墨文)
- 进阶艺术创作课:项目实践( 8名学习者/导师:李墨文)
- 艺术与科技跨学科课 :交互艺术项目(12名学习者/导师:朱晓晴)
- 艺术与心理学跨学科课 :权力的游戏(15名学习者/导师:李墨文)
Art Studio 1: Painting, drawing and Graffiti
艺术创作课1: 绘画 、素描和壁画
In the first unit, Xiaoqing plans to guide learners to appreciate and applicate the six basic elements of Visual Arts ( line, shape, texture, colour, value, space). While learning each element, a short lecture on art history, a studio workshop, and a creative task will be given to support learners in improving their capacity in visual art appreciation and applications.
In the past month, 19 learners have studied line and shape and each one has created their personal Op Art –Emotional Maze, here is sharing from the Tutor:
“【欧普风格的情绪迷宫】作为第一单元第一章节的主题集中介绍了线条与形状在欧普艺术(又称:光效应艺术,风靡于20世纪60年代美国主流艺术圈)中扮演的重要角色。实践部分同学们将欧普艺术风格与个人情绪相结合,绘制出仿佛情绪迷宫一般耐人解读的作品。这次的作品难度不低,在绘画技巧与概念阐释方面都有很大的挑战,一些同学的反馈是手绘的过程非常煎熬,也有一些同学在绘画过程中获得了内心的平静和愉悦。虽然创作过程比较艰辛但在最后的作品汇报日大家都展出了完成度很高、效果很棒的作品,同时进行了关于作品的阐述与讨论。我个人很喜欢看到学生们就一幅作品各抒己见,虽然在初始阶段大家还没有完全打开话匣子获是找不到角度来评价艺术作品,但相信在未来的课堂中大家会慢慢习惯并喜欢上这样的方式,因为每件作品的最终完成都与创作者的观念形成,观念的表现形式,以及观众的解读密不可分。” ——晓晴老师
Here are some selected Op artworks- Emotional Maze created by learners, you can click their name to read their artwork ideas and processes.

“我的个人创作更倾向于山水的体感, 这或许与我很喜欢的那句 “ 看山是山,看山不是山,看山还是山。” 有某些潜意识的牵连。
我个人也更渴望去塑造膨胀感,例如费尔南多·博特罗的作品就时常让我产生复杂的感觉,正如他所说 “艺术是变形和夸大的”,这样的膨胀感很能给到我打破某些道德的瞬时快感。膨胀占满整个画面和中式留白恰好截然不同,这也是让我很有趣的点。
—— 陈奕桥 Fiona Chan
Click here to read more in Blog

“当时在说道“图画要表达自己当下的情绪”时,我脑海里第一个蹦出来的就是很喜欢的一首歌,叫“我长了树” 。 这个状态很像我一个人的时候…… 当自己和自己的思想越陷越深的时候,就好像失去了双脚,被树根所捆缚,被枝干所缠绕,向往着自由无虑的自我却又深陷现实的泥沼中,渴望获得救赎,又或者一了百了。
—— 刘明雨弦 Ruby Liu
Click here to read more in blog
Art Studio 2: Sculpture and Installations
If you are amazed by painting studio learner’s artworks above, now, it’s better to be more open-minded to appreciate our sculpture and installations learners’ artworks, which look more, hmmm, unusual, and rebellious.
To get to know each other, 13 learners did Pecha Kucha , a quick presentation —10 slides of pictures & 20 seconds/slide for talking — for idea exchange, to introduce their previous artworks and artists who inspired them.
课程开始时,为了彼此更好的了解,13名学习者进行了 Pecha Kucha 任务——一种快速交换想法的展示, 每位学习者们都用10张图/每张图20秒的时间介绍了他们之前的作品和喜欢的艺术家。
Oliver Zhang Karissa Liu William Liu Alecea Li Coco Qin Pecha Kucha
As what Mowen always said to art learners “be purposeless to create “, instead of planning what you are going to make exactly, it’s better to create something without purpose, and try something new, the more the better, then look back to find what’s common in the artworks that attract you, think about it, do some research and experiment, finally, it’s time to create an artwork with purpose, that’s how you find your own art language.
墨文最常鼓励学习者创作的方法是“无目的创作”, 与带着目标计划一个商业项目相反的是,如果创作艺术的初期能够不带任何目的的乱尝试、多尝试,反而更容易看到自己的潜意识里究竟对什么主题、风格和形式好奇, 尔整理分析自己的无目的尝试后,再带着思考进行调查和试验,直到创作自己的终品,才能越来越靠近真属于自己的艺术语言。
So, to encourage learners to see what behind the walls in their mind and to come up to more crazy ideas, this course started with Collage Experiment, learners could tape anything impossible together to see what effects would surprise them, and imagine if they became installations, what would they look like.
为了鼓励学习者们打破思维里的墙、产生更多有趣古怪的想法, 本门课进行的第一个实验方法是拼贴艺术, 学习者们选择他们喜欢的雕塑作品和各种奇怪的元素进行任意组合,来观察会出现什么神奇的效果, 然后,基于他们的拼贴作品,学习者们开始想象如果做成雕塑装置会是什么样子。

Then, we spent weeks to discuss what is art? Why taping a banana on the wall could be an artwork sold for $12,000? And yes, Mowen did give each group a banana to let them think about what they would do with it, actually, not only with banana, learners also used oranges and white rabbit candies as materials to imagine what installations to make.
(half-empty banana picture: class experiments by learners)
之后的两个星期里,学习者们探讨了究竟什么是艺术? 为什么在墙上贴一个香蕉可以卖1.2万美元? 在课堂中,墨文也给学习者们准备了香蕉、橙子、大白兔奶糖等大家常吃的食物, 思考如何用这些物品进行创作、其他艺术家如何用这些材料创作、为何也能称为艺术? (上图中吃了一半的香蕉是学习者在课堂中所做)

After imagination, learners started to re-learn materials and chose different materials from life to make their installations experiments. Below you could find some selected works, please click their name to read more in their blogs.
想象过后, 学习者们开始重新学习认识材料、并选择中习以为常的物品进行雕塑装置试验创作, 以下是部分学习者们的作品,如果你想了解他们是怎么想的,可以点击照片中的名字进入他们的博客阅读。
After a month of learning, brainstorming, making and presenting, the last thing we did at class was to go outside doing nothing but in a trance, to feel all sensations from all sides of nature. Because, Mowen thinks that creating art is a process of communicating to yourself, if your mind is full and busy with different tasks, how could you talk to yourself and create art?

“这些照片和视频都是在外边的草地上,我就想要躺在草丛上,嗅着植物的清香,抬头看看云,晚上还可以看看星星真的很惬意,躺着的时候,发现这些植物的世界也是interesting的,观察它的茎,偶尔还可以看见几只虫子好像是一种史前世界,这是另一种世界我们就像是上帝一样,可以掌控他们的生死,这是一个不一样的世界……云朵也是非常的好看,组成了各种各样的图案,像是神仙一样,另一种别样的世界,从山坡上滚下去,观察着天空,云朵,草地,树木,花朵,加上转圈所带来的眩晕感,好像各种不同的世界以我为中心交错而过。 “
—— 王景司 Vans Wang
click here to read more in blog
Advanced Art Studio: Project-Based Practice
进阶艺术创作课: 项目实践
8 Advanced Art Studio learners will spend 16 weeks to finish 1 to 3 independent projects for their portfolio and group exhibition. So far, they have learned the whole process of designing an art project, from generating ideas, brainstorming, writing a proposal, research, experiments, making final works, presentation and group critics.
在本门课中,8名学习者将在16周内独立完成自己设计的1到3个艺术项目,并准备他们的作品集和艺术群展。 目前,学习者们已经学会了设计一个艺术项目的完整流程,从产生想法、头脑风暴、写方案、调查、试验、成品创作、展示,到艺术批评。
In the past month, once a week, Mowen did one to one personal tutorials to all learners, to support learners to start their first independent project. Each learner has confirmed their theme and done basic research based on the theme, now they are in the process the experimenting.
在过去一个月里,每周墨文都会和学习者进行一对一的个人指导,引导他们开始进行自己的独立艺术项目。 每一名学习者都已经确定了项目主题、做完基本的调查,现在他们正在项目的试验和深入调查结果。

—— 张璟宜 Serene Zhang
Click here to read Serene’s video art project

Meaning: Of a color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet, as of blood, fire, or rubies.
e.g.例句 (of a person or their face or complexion) flushed or rosy, especially with embarrassment, anger,or a healthy glow.
‘Red, the color of blood and fire.’—–intense color ”
—— Laila Jia
Click here to read Laila’s photography project

IP Art and Technology: Interaction Design Project
艺术与科技: 交互艺术项目
IDP is leading by Xixi Liu, Computer Science Tutor, and Xiaoqing Zhu, Art Tutor. It could be described as an artist’s engineering project, or an engineer’s art project, which is not just focusing on teaching techniques or skills, but also on critical thinking, creative exploration and learning. Failures are embraced here, as long as learners could learn from them.
So far, 12 learners had brainstorming on designing an interactive product.
IP Art and Psychology: Game of Power
Game of Power is leading by Zao, Psychology tutor, and Mowen, Art Tutor. Learners may enjoy rare chances to deeply engage with and reflect upon their inner voices on the topic of power and rights, to transmit those voices with both honesty, authenticity and empathy, and to enact an imagined, innovative world order through drama and theatre.
权力的游戏由探月心理学导师王枣和艺术导师李墨文共同设计。 在本门跨学科项目中,学习者们将深入的了解和反思自己内心关于权力的声音, 并以诚实、真实和共情的方式传递这些声音, 最终通过艺术戏剧的形式来构建一个想象的、创新的世界秩序。
So far, 15 learners have finished team building, played psychology activities to experience power, studied different forms of play and chose 1984 as their first script. Now, each learner has chosen a role and starts to work in different groups.
目前,15名学习者已经进行了团队建设活动,在心理学游戏中初步体会和思考权力, 他们也了解了戏剧的不同形式并选择1984作为他们的第一个剧本。 每名学习者已经选择了他们的分工角色,在各小组里开始展示工作。
Recommended Exhibitions and Art Resources
Exhibition 艺术展:
Art Resources 艺术资源:
With Artsy Love
Xiaoqing & Mowen
MSA Art Center
我长了树,山与水,走过的路 ~ 真的有意思。