Artist research- Picasso&Bernard Faucon


毕加索的蓝色时期(西班牙语:Periodo Azul),是毕加索在1900年至1904年之间,本质上以单色(阴郁的蓝色蓝绿色)做画的时期,只有极少数暖色作品例外。这些阴沉的画作是毕加索于西班牙获得灵感、在巴黎完成的,尽管在毕加索生前难以售出,现在却是毕加索十分著名的画作。

蓝色时期开始的时间点至今仍无法完全断定:一说是在1901年春天的西班牙,另一说则是下半年在巴黎的时光。在蓝色时期,毕加索受到在西班牙的旅程以及挚友卡洛斯·卡萨吉马斯自杀[1]的影响,作品采用苦涩的色调,有时并取用阴沉的题材,像是妓女乞丐酒鬼等。尽管毕加索曾回忆道:“我在卡萨吉马斯的死后学着以蓝色做画。”艺术史学家海琳·赛柯(Hélène Seckel)表示:“我们或许该保留这个心理学上的理由,但我们不应该忽略年代大事记:当卡萨吉马斯在巴黎自杀时毕加索并不在现场……当这戏剧性的事件显现在毕加索的死者肖像画中时仍是秋天[2]




Bernard Faucon

“这个系列的作品,BF不再以人像,而是直接拍摄真实的人物,同时以红色的河流来代表 sacrifice 牺牲。男孩同样是以裸体的形式出现.” 献祭

dols and Sacrifices mark the end of a long cycle of abstraction, idealisation, that had led from the first pleasant times on the beach to the gold haze of the Chambers. The end also of an innocence, a magic confidence in the power of the image, in that “leibnitzian” idea that every image contains all others, contains the world.

Dressed up as a sort of back-to-basics of photography, back to the classic genres, —the Portrait and the Landscape — Idols and Sacrifices constitute a laying-bare, a radicalisation, a simplifying of the means that will take me to the End Of The Image. The wish to face, once at least, the body only, beauty without artifice. The wish to answer in my own way the question of the living: since the living cannot be photographed, we will try and photograph the gods!

(注:“The End of The Image”,“影像的终结”,BF在1995年停止了摄影工作,转而投身写作。他认为摄影作为“造相”的时代已经终结,以后将是数码摄影和广告摄影的时代。)

The red landscapes imposed themselves later, because Idol and Sacrifice make up an inseparable couple, and also as a metaphor of the powerlessness of photography, of its incurable deficiency faced with the intensity of the living — the red of Sacrifices becomes the wound, the despair of photography itself.

This set topic that gives me a lot of inspiration
“Idols and Sacrifices mark the end of a long cycle of abstraction, idealisation, that had led from the first pleasant times on the beach to the gold haze of the Chambers.”

Idols and Sacrifices mark the end of a long cycle of abstraction, idealisation, that had led from the first pleasant times on the beach to the gold haze of the Chambers. The end also of an innocence, a magic confidence in the power of the image, in that “leibnitzian” idea that every image contains all others, contains the world.

Dressed up as a sort of back-to-basics of photography, back to the classic genres, —the Portrait and the Landscape — Idols and Sacrifices constitute a laying-bare, a radicalisation, a simplifying of the means that will take me to the End Of The Image. The wish to face, once at least, the body only, beauty without artifice. The wish to answer in my own way the question of the living: since the living cannot be photographed, we will try and photograph the gods!

The red landscapes imposed themselves later, because Idol and Sacrifice make up an inseparable couple, and also as a metaphor of the powerlessness of photography, of its incurable deficiency faced with the intensity of the living — the red of Sacrifices becomes the wound, the despair of photography itself.




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