Science——Interstellar Research Project

SA——Self regulation

The final group output.
The numbers in blue are the gravitational values(the part I’m in charge of)


This output is the introduction task in the course intro to science, hoping that we can have some knowledge about the universe autonomously in advance. Chose this output to prove myself regulation because first of all, science is the field that I’m not good at, especially the parts  need  to work with numbers, so during the process when doing this challenging task I can clearly see my dilemmas and break throughs. It’s a classic case of breaking through in an area you’re not good at. And getting out of your comfort zone does help you identify problems and improve.

It was a team task, and I was in charge of figuring out the gravity between all the planets we were dealing with, and it was such a huge mathematical project. I had other things planned so that I started to do it at night, and I had estimated how long I can find the gravitational pull of each of the two planets then uses this to estimate how long it will take me altogether. 

There’re our division of the task and ddl plans for everyone after the estimated time required.

When I first used the gravity formula all numbers I found out are very strange, in order to find out the correct number I focus on trying again and again, and every time after checking the answers I always wonder if I didn’t write the whole formula or put in the wrong number, because this’s the problem I have before, this is a factor that often leads to my miscalculations, and why do I remember to pay more attention to it. Especially when the formula is complicated and numbers are huge. Also I went online to search more engine page check the formula of gravity and planetary gravity value should be how many. So eventually I worked out the final answer with a more rigorous and careful mind. 


When I was doing this project in order to better figure out the gravity between the planets I also went to understand what are the quantities involved in the gravity formula. But in fact, the skill that I most directly used and improved in the process of completion was the ability to crowd out pressure. Because I do a lot of computations at night, it’s really overwhelming and stressful to do a lot of calculations at night. After several failures, it’s like a direct blow and pressure on my vigor. Later on, I found that the main source of my pressure was to do it at night. On the one hand, I would be sleepy. On the other hand, If I didn’t work out the right answer for a long time, it’s impossible for me to stay up until midnight. 

Therefore, in order to improve efficiency and accuracy so as to relieve my stress, I try to relieve my stress and anxiety by seeking help from various aspects (searching on the Internet, asking friends for help), making sure that the steps are carried out correctly and calculating a gravity pull for each success. Also gave me more confidence.

After the end of this project, I clearly learned and mastered the ability of gravity calculation formula. However, From the frustration, I realized that I was not so sensitive to Numbers. I needed to confirm whether I had brought in the correct value for many times, or I would make mistakes easily. At the same time, I also feel that I have the spirit of studying and never give up until the task I set is successful. This will undoubtedly be of great help to my growth and breakthrough in whatever field I am good at or not good at. 

Finally, one of the most important reflections is that tasks like science and math should no longer be scheduled at night. 


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