
This is a failed experiment, the preparation time is a bit in a hurry, don’t know why I also on taobao to buy goods in Beijing on Wednesday why today just received, some equipment is not complete, has also had a lot of problems in the process of the experiment failed to solve, because the blue have a class, and I don’t have enough permissions can’t use high power equipment, will not be able to make it reach enough to blast temperature, so failed.
Internal wanted to get into the business, the experiment with colored objects, now is not very accurate expression of light and sound produced by the explosion of the study effect is strongest in a dark place, with fluorescent materials (gases, pigment, water (this)) with a laser will he detonated surrounded by electromagnetic field can make the particles aggregation, so as to render a perfect explosion, observe the ejected from light, best can use different lenses to observe the birth of the universe in the different world.
Now we see the world is not the real world?
Start from this problem, the following thinking to explore this, must want to know, from the birth of the universe began, after all, he is known the beginning of this era.
So I started on the baidu search, the birth of the universe but how search search less than, can only find some of the myths and legends in wikipedia and some no matter and strange things.
Then wanted to think, at present only the big bang of the birth of the universe, with an accurate information quickly found the first clue, but feel very fan, don’t know how to express, feel chose a big aspect, how to do?
From B station constantly brush video about the big bang, all of a sudden mental clarity can not use high-power electrical appliances, I have to do with the balloon media use laser to detonate, with sound and light, perfect.
Then buy the laser, but along with the advancement of the experiment, I of the laser power is not big enough, not enough to set off the balloon, I just wonder if other ways to set off, just heard that there is high pressure spray gun, then there is time, and then made a big mistake, other required equipment is not so rare, can buy downstairs, I am lazy, don’t want to move, resulting in equipment is not ready to complete.
Finally the experimental exploration is very interesting.

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