「Talking, useless」|一段音频 in IP Class

https://shimo.im/docs/3r6KJGqx3Xdtp3cg/ 《「说话·没用」音频》,可复制链接后用石墨文档 App 或小程序打开

I am very happy to finish this project, although the cut audio is cut very late.
The main idea of ​​our project is actually to hope that more people can make themselves more like themselves and be able to better embrace and pay attention to other people’s ideas. This vision is actually based on my own story about lunar exploration and my previous life.

The classical music in the audio is actually a “good” word in my cognition or a “talking person”. He is always savvy and perfect. In my opinion, these are ubiquitous, like the inevitable part of modern communication.

Those noisy, different people’s voices are meant to express the voices of those people in reality, so those voices are actually said by the people in the lunar exploration, without any post-processing. Their voices are always easily replaced by “smooth” sounds, and sometimes they don’t want to talk about it.

These are very similar to what I experienced during my lunar exploration in a year. Not necessarily so extreme, but there are many similarities. Later, I found that whenever my voice couldn’t be heard, I was more willing to complain that it might be that the object was not willing to listen. In short, I was always used to attribute the problem to others. But then I was thinking about it. I didn’t think it was like this. Many times I didn’t even know what I was saying, what kind of results I wanted, or even what I was doing at that moment. It seems that it is a certain moment, I am willing to accept that this is probably my own problem, and I suddenly think seriously about what I am talking about.

This is actually the second half of the audio, the sudden appearance of the drum sound in my opinion. He is so intense, messy but seems to have some similar rhythm or regularity. He may be something that we want to express in our hearts that has never changed, or it may interfere with us, let us not know what we don’t know, what we say, no matter how loud we say.

But I always think that these things need to be clarified or thought through.

I am particularly happy to finish this short-term project, suspecting that I have re-visited myself and have become more curious about the people around me.

In this project, I think the better place I have done myself is:

  1. The cooperation with Karissa in the process of completing the project made me happy and unexpected. It is also a good place that I think I have done. I feel that I am concerned about her feelings and emotions. I realized that not only do I complete the project together, but also have a lot of resonance and links.
  2. Some understanding of the art of sound, not a lot, but inspired a lot of inspiration.

In this project I think that I can improve myself:

  1. Have a deeper and more concrete understanding of other artists and other works of art. For example, record my understanding and so on.
  2. Be prepared to be more complete in the presentation. For example, you should check in advance whether the audio can be played directly.

2019.11.8 Stacy

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