
Competency Model is here(I will put the competency I used in the beginning of each paragraph) 9C: Acquiring Ideas 9D: Linking Ideas 5A: Information and Discovery 5B: Analysis and Interpretation 6C: System-as-Cause Introduction This semester, our Western Philosophy final project is for everyone to complete a philosophical website. Among them, we have many topics, such as Science, Aesthetic, Politic and …


Competency Model is here(I will put the competency I used in the beginning of each paragraph) 14A: Team Positioning 5D: Problem Solving and Solution Finding  5B: Analysis and Interpretation 14B: Team goal creation  14C: Building team norms 14H: Team reflection 6D: Change over Time 9E:Extending Ideas 6A: Big Picture Introduction 中华小厨神 is our IP project, a project aimed at …

小厨神| ice cream

冰棍是夏天解暑必备食品,在家做这种东西一般特别便宜而且比外面的好吃多了 自己动手丰衣足食 材料准备 首先第一步,我们需要准备一些基本的器具 需要 铁饼铲 x2;平底锅 x1;模具 x1; 原料需要有:15克黄油、倒入200克淡奶油、10克麦芽糖、60克巧克力、自己可以准备一些水果碎   准备工作 第一步是把锅中放入15克黄油、倒入200克淡奶油(大概是一包牛奶的量)、10克麦芽糖(2大勺)、60克巧克力、开小火搅拌融化,作为铺底的雪糕液就做好啦 如果你是水果爱好者,你可以把水果肉切碎然后均匀地放置在雪糕液体里面 烹饪步骤 然后把雪糕液放进模具里面,进行冷冻凝固 大概5~6个小时之后就可以取出来吃了! 成品–真的没那么难! 大致就是这个样子了