The atmosphere is a very important point for me when I am creating my picture book. In order to make my work look better, I look for some illustration works that I think have a great sense of atmosphere
By Eunah Hwang

Eunah Hwang is an author and illustrator from Seoul in Korea.
This picture was taken by me in a book called the Illustrators Exhibition of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2018. There are many excellent illustrations to study in this collection, in between this work caught my attention immediately.
There are so many elements in this picture that appeal to me, such as the two main colors — black and bright pink, the feeling of being surrounded and oppressive, as well as the strong focus of the main character and the clear composition.
This image is not found on Eunah’s personal website, but I find some other illustrations from this series call Jumpabye. I think this illustration related to a child’s dream. The clear personal style and the unified simple color scheme make the story sense and atmosphere sense of the illustrations very strong.

This is also why I choose to refer to and investigate this work and this artist because her works in this series inspire me a lot, which is also the style that I prefer.
Therefore, the following illustration is about school violence, as it is one of my works in this project, is also inspired by this.

The size contrast between the characters, one light color, and the other dark color, as well as the sense of helplessness when being surrounded, are all expressed in the picture. It is also a piece of work that I like very much.