2020年安徒生最佳插画家得主-澳大利亚插画师Felicita Sala

“I love nonsense and rhyme and poetry, and books that trigger a child’s imagination.”

Usual → watercolour, coloured pencils
gouache, inks, crayons
beige colored paper as a base. Normally work on white paper.
→ “I tend to gravitate to the medium I’m most comfortable with, which is primarily colored pencils over watercolor.”

Sala, Let’s. “Let’s Talk Illustrators #83: Felicita Sala”. Letstalkpicturebooks.Com, 2020, http://www.letstalkpicturebooks.com/2018/09/lets-talk-illustrators-83-felicita-sala.html.
“Felicita Sala”. Felicitasala.Com, 2020, https://felicitasala.com/picture-books-1.
Personal summary
flat 2D instead of 3D
The colors are soft and unobtrusive
It’s not computer graphics
Obvious personal style
Light and shadow