This is my “Paper on Paper” work.

You can probably tell at first glance, this is a paper balloon.
When I just proposed the requirement of “Paper on Paper”, I determined the idea of Paper balloon. Because when I was in elementary school, one of my favorite art teachers no longer taught there. The last time she taught us was to origami balloons. I haven’t forgotten how to fold balloons since then. Every time I fold paper, I think of that teacher. That’s why I chose the element.
The process of my painting is also very interesting. The picture I took was this:

Obviously, it’s in a different position, different light than what I drew. Because Last Sunday afternoon I was going to draw in the classroom. But when I got to the classroom, I found that I had left my cell phone and room card in the room. So I drew it directly from the impression. So the picture I just saw is the picture in my mind’s eye.
It was also because of this oversight that I ended up comparing the pictures with the paintings. I think the imaginary paper balloon looks more natural, which is the feeling I like more.