2018-2019 individual artifact



artifact title

Mosquito Net of Life 生命蚊帐

artifact label

Individual Artifact (XA)

introduction 介绍

This is a public welfare project that donates mosquito nets to kids in Africa who suffer from malaria. It is a project that we did in “Bigger Than Me”, which took only 48 hours. We did a fundraise and will use the money to buy malaria-prevention mosquito nets and donate them to the children in Africa who suffer from malaria. We used WeChat Moments as one way to fundraise and sold pasta and our talents such as coffee making and manicure as another way to fundraise. With people’s help we raised 12155.22 RMB in less than 24 hours. The money was then transferred into Jessica Wang’s fund and will be used to buy mosquito nets. Our driving question was “How to develop a teenager public welfare project’s sustainable design?”. Under this driving question, we are separated into three smaller groups – scheming, propagating and fundraising. I joined the scheming team with Aimee Du and Kira Ding. We decided that our outcomes were going to be a document explaining the steps to build a sustainable public welfare project and a poster board that visualizes the document. There are totally 10 steps to build a public welfare project and we also provided a chart that can help you iterate your project. 

这是一个给非洲受疟疾困扰的儿童捐赠蚊帐的公益项目。我们共同的期待是希望通过公益项目关注到弱势群体以及身边的环境和人。组员王若卿因有丰富的做公益的经验和捐助渠道,因此成为了本次项目的组长并且和我们一起发起了“生命蚊帐”项目。在Bigger Than Me的活动中,我们仅用了48小时就筹到了12155.22元善款捐赠给王若卿的基金会用于购买大约405顶蚊帐并且产出了如果做一个可持续的公益项目的流程。我们通过微信朋友圈和卖技能的方式在24小时内众筹,其中我筹到了5246.1元。



experience 体验

At first our driving question was “How to fundraise 6000 RMB within 48 hours?”. We focused too much on how to get money that we forgot about our project is not only about fundraising. We achieved this goal too early that we didn’t know what to do after. Therefore, after hours of discussion, we made a new driving question: “How to develop a teenager public welfare project’s sustainable design?”. And then, we followed this driving question from three different aspects – scheming, propagating and fundraising. I was part of the scheming group. The collaboration between me and my teammates went smoothly, because we divided the amount work equally and we all finished our work before the deadline. There was no argument and we gave each other feedback for improvement. I learned about collaboration, project management and the ways to spread malaria. 



self-reflection 反思

In the Mosquito Net of Life project, my biggest growth is collaboration. I was not good at collaboration, because I will always set a really high standard for myself, and if others in my team didn’t meet that standard, I will want to do the work for them and I will be angry if their finished work did not meet my standard. In this project, I forced myself to follow what everybody else thinks and try their plans. It turned out to be very good, and I also felt the joy in collaboration. I asked my teammates to give me feedback, and they said I improved on my collaboration skills. However, there are still areas for improvements. When I felt like I can lead a discussion, I did not. I should be braver to be a leader and step out of my comfort zone. I should also do more research so that our artifact is more trustworthy and more objective. Hopefully in the next time I can have better energy and do my work more efficiently! 



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