Searching Experiments

In this project, as always, I used a lot of symbols; I try to use the existence of different plants, animals or objects to convey the information I want to express. So before preparing the final product, I did some experimenting and planning. For the form and the experiment for the first part:寻找/Plan and… More Searching Experiments


In my opinion, searching is one of the propositions of one’s life, and one’s life is the first battle of the journey of searching.This long journey is presented in four parts, which I think are the four most important elements in searching. They are process, vision, unknown, and desire.

Searching PT1 Personal Review

→ 尝试且学习不同的综合材料插画形式Try and learn different forms of composite material illustration → 多样的实验过程Various experimental processes → 真实的艺术The art of being genuine → 补充更多的调研Add more research → 艺术家调研Artist Research

“荼蘼花” Personal Review

作品可以在保证数量【story+10张A3手绘】保证质量【每一张我都特别喜欢!表达了我想要表达的】 The quantity of the works can be guaranteed [Story written+10 A3 hand-painted pieces] and the quality can be guaranteed as well[I like every piece in my book very much! I think I did express the idea through my theme] 从上个项目「红色雨」中收到的Feedback在这个项目中改正了【综合材料+逻辑故事性】 The Feedback received from the last project “Red Rain” has been corrected in this… More “荼蘼花” Personal Review