An analysis of China’s electricity situation and a forecast of future development report


This is the final in intro to Science class, a project about electricity. In this project, we will understand the specific situation of China’s electric power, its proportion in the world and its development trend in recent years through data, and then combine the data to put forward the prediction and prospect of China’s electric power development in the future. How is it possible to convert other forms of energy into electricity? What is the future direction of China’s power development?

The report is divided into three parts. The first part is about China’s share of the world’s electricity generation. So I once again collected the proportion of renewable and primary energy sources in China, as well as their different ways of origin and growth. Finally, coal power generation, which ranks first in the growth trend in recent years, will be selected as the main force of China’s future power generation.

I chose this artifact because in the process I not only collected data from many of the official sites, but:
China Power Development Report:
BP’s global energy analysis:

BP Global Energy Analysis:

Power generation – Wikipedia:

iea data browser:

In addition, I classified the data of many information, corresponding to the problems solved by TA one by one, and checked the results one by one with algorithms and statistical charts. Ability to critically evaluate information and its sources. Finally, by combining all the information, it is concluded that thermal power is the largest component of electricity production according to the trend of the recent three years. And in thermal power generation and led by coal. The largest component of electricity production.

这是在intro to science课上的final,一个关于电的项目,在这个项目里,我们会通过数据,了解中国电力的具体情况,在全球占比,近年来发展的趋势,进而结合数据,提出对未来中国电力发展的预测和展望。并回答:将其他形式的能量转化为电能是如何实现的?中国未来电力的发展走向会是怎样?






iea data browser:



With this artifact, I first systematically used a number of approaches to information literacy. One of the best things I did was to help myself in getting information for sure, because I was able to use a lot of websites for searching. At the same time, the key information can be clearly identified and sorted out. There are several characteristics that I find in a good information source:

1.Not extreme, relatively neutral, evidence on both positive and negative dimensions of the information is often presented — because objectivity is required, good sources tend to take care of all dimensions of the information.

2.The best way to bewitch people is to throw away logic and embrace emotion. Many girls are usually very smart, but when they fall in love, they seem to be easily cheated by men who play with women’s feelings. Look at that one hundred thousand plus from Mimone. It’s not made by stirring up emotions.

3.Attach importance to the source of the information – this is crucial, why write a paper to post a piece of evidence where it came from, that is to tell someone that it is traceable, that it is well documented, that it is not random.

We also have to learn to cross-verify, and when we learn to ask the same question from sites with different perspectives and cultural backgrounds, we can say that we are trying to be objective. In general, if a piece of information is verified by independent parties with different positions, its credibility is greatly enhanced. This is what is reflected in the first part of the article. It is not only to see the official data, but also to verify the authenticity of the data, and to critically evaluate the information and its source.

To sum up, the paper on information literacy I understand includes: reflective discovery of information; Understanding the production of information and evaluating it; Use information to create what you need.

artifact of the link:https://shimo


  1. 不极端,相对中立,信息的正反维度的证据往往都有呈现——因为要保持客观性,所以优质信息源往往会照顾到信息的各个维度。
  2. 情绪渲染少,使用的词汇往往理智,逻辑性强,感性色彩弱——蛊惑人的最好办法是让人丢掉逻辑,拥抱情绪,你看好多姑娘平时很聪明,一到恋爱中似乎就变得很容易被渣男骗。你看咪蒙的那一篇篇十万加,哪个不是靠煽动情绪来造就的。
  3. 重视信息溯源——这个至关重要,为什么写论文要把论据从哪儿来的一条一条贴出来,这就是告诉别人,这个东西可溯源,有据可查,不是信口雌黄的。



artifact of the link:



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