This semester I mainly focus two project to do some try. One is solve the open method of luggage is so tedious, second is solve sedentary problem.
For me, these two projects have increased my thinking about product design. Of course, I still like the field of product design, and I still enjoy the feeling of finding a problem that no one else has solved. However, I still feel that I’ve only seen part of it. I don’t like the first some product design process, and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product. I also found that I do not like intelligent and electronic products to solve problems. I think it complicates problem solving to some extent. If a problem is solved entirely by physics, structure and ingenious design, the product will become an excellent product.

At present, the luggage project has been shelved, and the sedentary project has just finished the research, and is in the stage of making the product prototype. Both projects encountered some challenges, but also some gains. I reflected on the following points:
- I found a problem that a lot of people ignored, but some people felt it was a problem after I raised it. I think we sometimes take things for granted too easily, and should think about better solutions. In addition, I think I should not be afraid of being too simple or being laughed at by others. Instead, I should boldly put forward my own ideas, and think deeply and improve my own ideas.
- I agree that user research is an effective way to create innovative products and solve user problems. I have read a story that A wants to build a bridge for B. If A does not conduct user research, A will most likely directly build a bridge for B. If A conducts a user interview with B and finds that B’s real need is to cross the river, A can totally find A boat for B. Obviously, boats are a more efficient and cheaper way to cross the river.
- Observation is more truly than user research. Take Sensory project example. When we do the user interview, some of person’s answer is they aren’t fell any pain or unsuitable. But when I observe, I find that almost all people will change their sitting pose when they are sedentary.
- There are far more things to consider when designing products than there are problems I want to solve. For luggage, to change its way of opening is actually an easy thing, but the ensuing problems are difficult to solve, such as the center of gravity, the firm in consignment.
- I overestimated my ability to solve problems. Take luggage project sample, my idea is to change it opening way to the drawer. That will be more easier to open, and that solve the problem I want to solve. About this opening way, the center of gravity (when all drawer are open, how the luggage stable on the ground) and the firm in consignment (Which structure can make sure the luggage in the consignment won’t open) is more important problems. I can’t find Technical balance idea. So that, this project stopped.
- Inadequate ability to proactively manage projects. I didn’t make a big plan for the whole project, so I didn’t know what the whole process was like and where I was now. I am passive about the teacher’s progress in class.
- My motivation was not enough to do things, that are out of proportion to the time you put in. Sometimes I will blindly look at some websites, at this time my goal is not strong, look for a long time also do not know what to look for. Time is wasted. In addition, I sometimes focus on small things and ignore the more important things, thus delaying the progress of the whole project.
To sum up, product design is my favorite field. I have a strong desire to start, and I can really find many small problems in life. But after the project started, my motivation dropped significantly, which is something I need to overcome later. In product design, I have a lot of respect for Steve Jobs and IDEO. The former has designed a lot of products that are called “magic” and make ideas which are in imagination come true. The latter has designed a lot of things that are used in everyday life and have changed people’s lives to some extent. When I hit a wall, they rekindle my desire for the final product of an idea.