Artifact Title
Self – Awareness – My first self-perception report
Artifact Label
Human Artifact (HA)
This assignment is also not optional, unless you don’t want your credit. In such a case, I choose to do the homework with my best state.
In the beginning and there is some confusion and difficult, don’t know if I can use what form to analysis something “would” run into difficulties, I can think of only the bilibili site interactive video, thought to want to do an interactive video, I need to prepare two times or more processes, expectations are too high for me, but also need to consider the other including shooting, editing, uploading factors in audit, failed to achieve.
So I used a more simple way — table. The form of table can let me know what kind of profile each possible difficulty is, what kind of mentality or way I should solve this problem and face this difficulty. In the process of writing, I found a great person, Laura, who gave me a lot of inspiration, including the table of the form, but there was no reference in the content.

I always is the kind of person who like to solve the problem, so I’m a part of the heart is in the middle of the “pointed out the way”, this section you can let me in a short period of time to find a can release the pressure, or get rid of my bad mood, you can save me a lot of time, but the things here, the part from my previous life experience, also or is to find some friends, ask when sad or what they will do more to help themselves.
I use a lot of psychological concepts in the “expertise” section, which makes us more rational, and doesn’t make decisions directly because I feel like it. In a thousand words, I need to tell Chuck that I think this way, why I think this way, and that the way I “pointed out the way” works and works.
When I wrote the homework of self-cognition, I realized that it was for my own use. It was no longer like an assignment to get GPA. I hope I can use the psychological knowledge I have learned and my own views on me in this assignment. I also need to consider whether this is a sustainable assignment. I can change it gradually in the future, and then I will have certain requirements for the situation. I also hope that this homework can help me in the future when I really encounter difficulties.

The competencies involved in this project are Information Literacy and Creative Thinking, and I think I have reached the developing level for both competencies.
For Creative Thinking:
· Idea Generation
Before I finished the milestone, I thought a lot about the format of this, including videos on Bilibili site, a big flowchart, and so on, and ended up locked in an unlikely table, which is one of the rare walkthroughs.

Takes risk to trial and error
After I decided in the form of a table, I asked many of my friends about this kind of view, they all think it is quite suitable for use in this work, the left side is mostly about I will encounter difficulties, brainstorming about ahead of time, such as when feel confused, or feel state is very poor, no feeling, will be written in the book of the “strategy”.

Creative Production/design thinking
For this assignment, the final audience is me. I will try to meet my own needs instead of just thinking about it now. When I was doing this homework, I tried to make my writing very easy to understand, because your own imagination will change, your ideas will change, so we can only use another way to face this change. I would hope that what I’m writing now would be helpful to my future self, and that I would change the way I think about it in the future because of how I write it now.
For Information Literacy:
I wish to discuss the first three skills within this quality, such as determining Information Needed, estimating Information and managing Information Effectively.
For the first one, because there is a description in rubric for this assignment that we are going to use in terms of our self-knowledge in this semester, so that we can use it in the future and know which one we are going to use to explain this problem. So to make sure that a piece of information is what we need, we need to look at how I think now. In the process of completing it, it naturally proved that The information I determined was reliable and accurate.

Before a second I will choose Chuck courseware to us, and each week I clock in, in the two source, I think is very reliable, because in the entire operation, this is applied to most of the sources of information, so I think through get app selection and screening of Chuck, we see that these things must be very reliable.