2020 SA| The Project of IP Course Adjustment

「The Picture was made by Stacy」

Skills: System Thinking, Critical Thinking


This is a project about solving the progress of IP courses. The focus of this project is to use system thinking to solve real problems. I started the project because I observed the gap between our current progress and goal in the middle and late stages of the IP course. Therefore, this project focuses on problem analysis and solutions. In this project, I used tools that are highly relevant to system thinking and used these tools to help me solve problems better. The project is divided into three parts, namely problem discovery, problem analysis ,and problem-solving. In addition to the content of the project, what important are the laws behind the entire project, the structure and models that I have analyzed and learned from the project.

Problem Discovery

Editing using software is a very important part of the documentary. so for our IP, software class will greatly affect the progress of the entire project. So I chose “software class” as an insight into the progress of the entire IP. So far, I have further refined my problem into “how to solve the problem of lagging in IP course progress with the effect of software lessons”.

Problem Analysis

「The picture is from Stacy」

When analyzing the IP class, I use the software class attendance rate as a measurement factor, that is, the higher the software class attendance rate, the higher the class progress, and vice versa. According to several factors in the CLD, The learner’s mastery of the content, number additional courses, the anxiety of Frances, student’s enthusiasm for the course. It can be seen from the “Behavior-over-time” graph that the current attendance and mastery of the content are not very ideal. According to the forecast, it can also be concluded that according to the current development situation, if no adjustment is made, the situation of IP is difficult to be improved.

  「The picture is made by Stacy」

According to the causality shown by these factors in the CLD, it can be seen that when the attendance rate of software courses decreases, Frances, as a mentor of our project, needs to increase the courses to ensure that each learner has the mastery of the content. As the additional course increases, the level of the learners’ mastery content will increase. As the additional courses offered by Frances increase, her mood will be worse because the content of the courses is repeated. In addition, with the change of Frances’ mood of additional courses, it will also affect the enthusiasm of learners for software courses, and when the enthusiasm decreases, the level of the learners’ mastery content will also decrease. Then, the progress of the entire IP will be affected. The role of time in it is to promote the work of the system, that is, as the time changes, the system will operate according to the CLD.

At the same time, you can also see from the figure below that the cause of the continuous deterioration of CLD also includes the appearance of “Delay”. As can be seen from the CLD, there is a delay between “Number of additional Courses” and “Student’s enthusiasm for the course”. This shows that the diminishing enthusiasm of students slowly appears with the increase of courses, and it is not easy to be found at the beginning.

The interaction between the two loops is very important, it makes that adding courses can improve the learners’ mastery of content on the surface, but in fact, this behavior greatly reduces the enthusiasm of students for learning. In the long-term effect, it is detrimental to student learning. This is also the core of the IP software class problem.


Link of all the Leverage Points: https://shimo.im/docs/G6kcqRddTQv9QP8V/

In terms of problem-solving, I chose to face it with efficient leverage. I have 3 leverage points. The three levers represent different perspectives, for example, the first one is more focused on solving the enthusiasm and attitude of the course, the second one is more focused on solving the project management aspect, and the last one is through improving Efficiency to solve. Proposing three different aspects of leverage means that the problem is more likely to be solved. The details of these three levers are in the link below. At the same time, in order to make these solutions more clear, I also put forward the long-term and short-term effects and possible problems of each leverage point

「The Picture is from the document of “Leverage Points for the IP Problem”」

The picture above is my analysis of the long-term and short-term effects of Leverage point 3. It can also be seen on the right side of the picture and in the complete lever point document that I have analyzed the long-term effect and short-term effect to ensure the possibility of implementation.


Things I have done Well

  • In this project, I have applied many knowledge points in systematic thinking class, such as “Archetypes”, “CLD”, “Behavior-over-time” Graph”, “Mental Model”. These knowledge Point also has great help to make my project more complete. I have proposed a relatively complete system in the project, this system shows the relationship between Factor. The big picture of this problem can be seen through the combination of CLD and the “Behavior-over-time” graph. This combination can see the trend of the entire system, and also provides convenience for problem-solving.
  • In this project, I have a good combination of real scenarios to assist the project. In the Mental Model part, I have conducted one-on-one interviews with many IP class learners, and through these interviews, I saw the real needs that are not easy to find behind them. At the same time, I also corresponded this demand to the psychological phenomenon, so that the solution was based on more complete research.
  • I also showed good analytical skills in this project. I can find solutions to problems from multiple perspectives, including project management, goal setting, and psychology. At the same time, my assessment of the solution is relatively complete, pointing out the long-term and short-term results of the solution and their limitations. These analyses have greatly improved the enforceability and authenticity of my project.

Things I need to improve

  • I think the part that needs to be improved is mainly the part of project management. It can be seen that in this project, I did not make a very detailed plan, which made my perception of the status of the project not accurate enough. In the following projects, I will determine the specific action steps of the project before the start of the project to ensure the reasonable progress of the project.

The End

Stacy Zhao

In 2○2○·○6·24


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