week 5 — mural process documentation

本周我们组有一些沟通上的误会,组员不遵守deadline,导致进度比其他组落后了一些,但是还是在周五的课上让手稿上了墙。我又画了六种蝴蝶图案,以及把花朵改为了蓍草(yarrow),蓍草具有疗愈的作用,我认为符合我们成长蜕变的主题。它的背后有一个古希腊神话故事:“Yarrow – Achillea millefolium – Achilles’ thousand-leaved plant, the Greek word for yarrow is μυριόφυλλο-myriofyllo. Yarrow, ‘the plant of a thousand leaves’, in Greek mythology, is the plant which Thetis, sea nymph, and goddess of water, is said to have added to the bath water, when bathing her son, the ancient Greek hero, Achilles, in order for its protective powers, to cover his skin and make him invincible, a sort of bullet-proof jacket, so to speak. Sadly, Achilles did not have his coveted yarrow at hand, which he used to treat his wounded soldiers, when he was mortally wounded during the Trojan Wars, some heard him say, ‘oh, If only I had some yarrow, I would surely survive ‘. Yarrow leaves have been used in many battlefields to treat injured soldiers, which brought about commonly used names for yarrow; ‘soldier’s woundwort’ or ‘warrior plant’. Yarrow has been used for treating wounds, especially bleeding wounds from iron weapons, since the Middle Ages, the leaves are effective in slowing bleeding, so that the blood will clot.”



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