My art project

The power of music

This is the last work for the end of this term. We were asked to think out a topic of our own and can use anything to present it. So the first question I thought about was how can I combine or present the power of sound from the visual impact. That took me a long time to think. But then an idea just came into my mind. Which is to use a material called drop rubber to seal up a piano, and to make some visual impact from using colors. Which the color can be shaped into whatever you like in this drop rubber. With the piano inside, combined with the color. It may seem to be a pretty good idea.
But the process wasn’t as easy as I expected. I think the hardest part is to decide how big it should be and how am I going to stick to it. At first, I didn’t quite calculate out how big it should be. From picking the size of the sideboard to how much drop rubber should I use. Nither of it was well organized. So it left me the problem of the sideboard size was too big and little of the drop rubber that I have.
At last when I’m doing the final part of shaping the color, At first I thought it would be easy for just can use a stick to pick the color like you are swinging it. To some kind of shape like from piano inside radiating to outside. And that was the effect that I want. But, things just don’t always happen in the way that we expected. When I shaping out the forms of the color. Left with satisfaction. When I came to look at it the next day, Despite the color remained some sort of magical shape and the radiating direction was turned to point outside to closing in to inside, the shape of the color that I formed was all gone. Furthermore, there’s a big transverse crack and a few small cracks beside the big crack.
I guess it was all because of the exothermic reaction of the drop rubber.
However, I think this crack just perfectly presents the power of the music. Colors are like absorbing by the piano. The piano is like crushing onto something and show its strength and power. Just like it can crush everything. And was absorbing energy wait for a massive burst.

2020-2021 first term's Final exhibition

Small PA of free throw


2020-2021 first term's Final exhibition

PA of a qualified librarian

content of all passage

Interdisciplinary project

content of all passage




Title: The fantasy of copper chloride

The flame reaction is mainly based on the fact that some metals or their volatile compounds will show different colors when burned in the colorless flame. In the flame reaction experiment, different metals or their compounds emit a variety of different wavelengths of light when burned. In the visible light range perceived by the naked eye, the color presented is different due to the different wavelengths of the different light. In this photo, I used copper chloride to do this flame reaction. Although copper ion shows blue color during the flame reaction since tetrachloride copper complex formed by the combination of chloride ion and copper ion, which colors are yellow. Within the optical principle, when yellow meets blue, it will turn into green when we seeing this. So, the flame shows a beautiful green color with some of the red colors for burning the iron wire and a copper ion itself which turns out to be blue.

Title: Flaming wave

Butane is a colorless, liquefiable, and flammable gas at normal temperature and pressure. Often used as fuel, solvent, refrigerant, and raw material of organic synthesis. The burning process can be placed on hands is because butane is in bubbles, the butane gas tank is used to pass butane into the water to form bubbles. The heat had burned out before it reached the skin, with a layer of water was pasted on the hand and it’s touching the inner flame which has the lowest temperature in the fire. Whereas the hand can feel the heat of burning, it won’t reach the extent of burns because of the speed of the fire and the affection of water.

content of all passage



content of all passage

















2020-2021 first term's Final exhibition My art project

Artists’ Book – Events and Narratives

The concept of my book is more like a personal event to me, for a long time I really like to say “I don’t know” to every question that asked me, and once I really want to figure out why, so that’s where this concept is came from.

For several pages there are some special designs in it. And these are pretty effective for me to like ask questions or to show some of my thoughts. Most of the things that shows my concept is the texts and paintings in the book.

The challenge for me is the team work part. Which my partner thinks out this concept, or say that we both found out that people in life they like to say “I don’t know” to every question. So there are plenty of reasons that we might say “I don’t know” to some kind of questions. But the way of presenting it we got some diversion. Whereas I want’s to just show my thinking process while she wants to present it in another expressing way. Then we decided to just work on our own and with this same topic is enough. Turns out, that was a pretty good strategy which we both did pretty well on our work and also our presentation.

Another challenge for me is the content of the painting. At the beginning I was struggling with whether I’m going to both draw it realistically and fully express my idea, or just only present my idea and not to think about the skill is good or not. At the end, I chose to fully express my idea but take less care on the realistic. Then when I made up my mind, I did it faster than be entangled with both give good skill and my idea to my painting.

what exaclly is “I don’t know”
I’m not sure either, but what I do know is that there are a lot of forms of
“I don’t know”
One of it is because you don’t take initiative to know some thing.
Are you?
Maybe you’re not.
These kind of people may think that the things are boring, meaningless. So that they don’t want to know.
Or maybe, you don’t want to know something because you already know too much, felling fear to tell anyone, so give them an answer that is called:
“I don’t know”
Sometimes, the question maybe too crucial for you to answer. Or the questions are too sensitive which makes you run away form it, instead of facing it.
something like this:
Or maybe the deep inside your heart was hurted by something.
Or maybe you actually know the answer but for some other reason you just don’t want to tell this guy.
“I don’t know, why would I know that……”
Inside you:” I know, it’s ……”
What if you just change your mind to know something that is happening.
What will happen after then?
Will it be different than you don’t?
This time maybe try not to block yourself away form the world, try to facing it directly. Stop covering yourself with”I don’t know”.
accept yourself, accept this world.
try to know everything
cause it might be different……
This is the video of the whole book

2020-2021 first term's Final exhibition My art project

Cyanotype and Linocut

This time we did a Linocut maybe known as board painting. It’s a pretty fun thing to do because this time we need to carving the board in order to make some mark on it. And then when we finished, we brush the color on the borad, aim on the paper and then you can print out the painting.

This time our topic is to describe our daily life. These 4 people from walking to running is like a symbol of the rhythm of my life. Because we need to go faster and faster on our study speed. So that’s the concept of my paint.

I think the first one is my favorite because the color gradient is very obvious which makes the whole paint clearer, and so for these four people they are from bright to dark from left to right. Which make the contrast to the background more obvious.

For Cyanotype, well that was just a practice for the Linocut. Purpose is to let us know about when you draw something on it, if you wanna let the main part on color, you need to take everything else covered. The opposite, you need to only cover the main part.