This is the last work for the end of this term. We were asked to think out a topic of our own and can use anything to present it. So the first question I thought about was how can I combine or present the power of sound from the visual impact. That took me a long time to think. But then an idea just came into my mind. Which is to use a material called drop rubber to seal up a piano, and to make some visual impact from using colors. Which the color can be shaped into whatever you like in this drop rubber. With the piano inside, combined with the color. It may seem to be a pretty good idea.
But the process wasn’t as easy as I expected. I think the hardest part is to decide how big it should be and how am I going to stick to it. At first, I didn’t quite calculate out how big it should be. From picking the size of the sideboard to how much drop rubber should I use. Nither of it was well organized. So it left me the problem of the sideboard size was too big and little of the drop rubber that I have.
At last when I’m doing the final part of shaping the color, At first I thought it would be easy for just can use a stick to pick the color like you are swinging it. To some kind of shape like from piano inside radiating to outside. And that was the effect that I want. But, things just don’t always happen in the way that we expected. When I shaping out the forms of the color. Left with satisfaction. When I came to look at it the next day, Despite the color remained some sort of magical shape and the radiating direction was turned to point outside to closing in to inside, the shape of the color that I formed was all gone. Furthermore, there’s a big transverse crack and a few small cracks beside the big crack.
I guess it was all because of the exothermic reaction of the drop rubber.
However, I think this crack just perfectly presents the power of the music. Colors are like absorbing by the piano. The piano is like crushing onto something and show its strength and power. Just like it can crush everything. And was absorbing energy wait for a massive burst.