2020-2021 first term's Final exhibition My art project

Create Atmosphere with Value

These two sketching is about use shadow to create atomshpere. As you can see there’s a iron chain and an interesting shape that made out of stamples.

I don’t think I did a great job this time because this time I took a long time on the detele and ignored the whole sketching. So that makes me a little slow on the first one. And the second one isn’t very perfect to because some of the part is still not harmonize. Mean time, which I don’t have much time to finish this sketch, so the shadow was ment to be nice and now it is awful. On the other hand, I don’t think both of the sketch did much on atmosphere contrast. So these are what I wish and do my best to improve during next time sketching.

I think I’ve learn that there’s no need to do much on the detele when you are drafting. Just find a few places that can posit the object and then start with some detele. And spend too much time on one exact part of detele. Sometime it will do a lot better if just move on do sth. else and later get back to finish this part of the detele.

2020-2021 first term's Final exhibition My art project

Paper on paper exercise

class exercise
2020-2021 first term's Final exhibition My art project

Hyperrealism and Physical Cognition(my homework)

So this sketch is my hand, and with a pencil on it. I drew this because I just want to. And there’s a sentence in it ” Try not to give up” I wrote this down is because when I am a half way done with my skething, I I don’t have enough patience to go on. But my classmates and teaher keep encouraging my to go on, don’t give up. So thank you guys for doing that, and I’ll keep working hard on this.