The color blue is associated with two of Earth’s greatest natural features: the sky and the ocean. But that wasn’t always the case. Some scientists believe that the earliest humans were actually colorblind and could only recognize black, white, red, and only later yellow and green. As a result, early humans with no concept of the color blue simply had no words to describe it. This is even reflected in ancient literature, such as Homer’s Odyssey, that describes the ocean as a “wine-red sea.”
Egyptian Blue

Considered to be the first ever synthetically produced color pigment, Egyptian blue (also known as cuprorivaite) was created around 2,200 B.C. It was made from ground limestone mixed with sand and a copper-containing mineral, such as azurite or malachite, which was then heated between 1470 and 1650°F.
Fun fact: In 2006, scientists discovered that Egyptian blue glows under fluorescent lights(荧光灯), indicating that the pigment emits infrared radiation.

The Ultramarine is calling “true blue”. It is meaning “beyond the sea”. It is began around 6,000 years ago when the vibrant. It was made from lapis lazuli. In medieval Europe this blue was noble and rare, and the people who could use it were the rich and noble, as it was considered to be just as precious as gold. But some artistic want to paint a beautiful painting. They would very brave to spend the money to buy it. Just like the Johannes Vermeer—who painted Girl with a Pearl Earring. He loved this color so much that he pushed his family into debt.
Cobalt blue

IN CHINA they like used this color in distinctive blue and white patterned porcelain and Vincent Van Gogh started using the new pigment as an alternative to expensive ultramarine.
Navy blue

Formally known as marine blue, the darkest shade of blue—also known as navy blue—was adopted as the official color for British Royal Navy uniforms, and was worn by officers and sailors from 1748. Modern navies have since darkened the color of their uniforms to almost black in an attempt to avoid fading. Indigo dye was the basis for historical navy blue colors dating from the 18th century.
Prussian blue

Also known as Berliner Blau, Prussian blue was discovered accidentally by German dye-maker Johann Jacob Diesbach. In fact, Diesbach was working on creating a new red, however, one of his materials—potash—had come into contact with animal blood. Instead of making the pigment even more red like you might expect, the animal blood created a surprising chemical reaction, resulting in a vibrant blue.
International Klein Blue

的确蓝色是一广阔的颜色,就像克莱因创作出这种蓝色的原因也是因为他喜欢天空的颜色之后才创作出来的,就像他说的“blue has no dimensions. It is beyond dimensions,” 在他的眼里蓝色并不是一个维度的或许在他的眼里蓝色是超越时空的,是一个贯穿世界的一个颜色。