Research|Monologue from Sonya

Continuing the last investigation, I finally determined that my monologue segment will be an excerpt from the role of Sonya in “Uncle Vanya” by Chekov.

The creative background of “Uncle Vanya” is actually quite special. In Russia in the 19th century, the social conflicts brought about by serfdom could not be resolved, and Russia’s industrialization process was severely hindered. Relying on military expansion to maintain its glory as a major power can only be short-lived. By the mid-nineteenth century, Britain had completed the first industrial revolution, and France and Germany had also begun the rapid march of industrialization. Russia under the Tsarist rule did not realize its crisis. The defeat of the Crimean War between Russia, Britain and France in 1856 caused Russia to quickly fall from the apex of dominating Europe.

Sonia, a kind and beautiful girl in “Uncle Vanya”, is a victim of this “serfdom”. Her parents died since she was a child, and she could not go to school due to family poverty. When all her peers were married and had children, she was rejected because of her family and appearance. At the same time, Sonya also conveyed a certain “religious spirit” of the script—that is, the spirit of sacrifice and dedication for others. This is a kind of deep love, love for people, and confidence in people.

I like this character very much. This is also a very important reason why I choose her. I like the unique charm of her heavy experience. As long as you stand in front of this person, you will be wrapped in her.

我们要继续活下去,万尼亚舅舅,我们来日还有很长、很长一串单调的昼夜;我们要耐心地忍受行将到来的种种考验。我们要为别人一直工作到我们的老年,等到我们的岁月一旦终了,我们要毫无怨言地死去,我们要在另一个世界里说,我们受过一辈子的苦,我们流过一辈子的泪,我们一辈子过的都是漫长的心酸岁月,那么,上帝自然会可怜我们的,到了那个时候,我的舅舅,我的亲爱的舅舅啊,我们就会看见光辉灿烂、满是愉快和美丽的生活了,我们就会幸福了,我们就会带着一副感动的笑容,来回忆今天的这些不幸了,我们也就会终于尝到休息的滋味了。我这样相信,我的舅舅啊,我虔诚地,热情地这样相信啊……我们终于会休息下来的! [贴列金轻轻地弹着吉他。 我们会休息下来的!我们会听得见天使的声音,会看得见整个洒满了金刚石的天堂,所有人类的恶心肠和所有我们所遭受的苦痛,都将让位于弥漫着整个世界的一种伟大的慈爱,那么,我们的生活,将会是安宁的、幸福的,像抚爱那么温柔的。我这样相信,我这样相信……可怜的、可怜的万尼亚舅舅啊。你哭了……你一生都没有享受过幸福,但是,等待着吧,万尼亚舅舅,等待着吧……我们会享受到休息的……啊,休息啊!


以上这段独白就是我在最终影片中所呈现的独白。从表演的角度分析,这段独白的主要目标是劝告失去信仰的Uncle Vanya不要自杀,同时Uncle Vanya在此之前曾自杀未遂。Sonya面对一个自己深爱的,脆弱的人会一直照顾对方的感受,希望Uncle Vanya能够有活下去的动力。但是,她也是绝望的,因为她此前所有的经历都在告诉她,她这辈子注定是暗无天日的。
The above monologue is the monologue I presented in the final film. From the perspective of performance, the main goal of this monologue is to advise Uncle Vanya, who has lost his faith, not to commit suicide. At the same time, Uncle Vanya had attempted suicide before. Sonya will always take care of the feelings of a fragile person she loves deeply and hopes that Uncle Vanya will have the motivation to live. However, she was also desperate, because all her previous experience told her that she was destined to be dark in this life.

For the research of Monologue, I didn’t watch other actors’ videos, because I hope that in terms of performance, everything will follow my feelings.




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