
这本手绘的绘本的灵感来源自我这学期报名的文学社团,我们在定期末项目的写作主题时,选择了“酒馆”这个主题。当我听到“酒馆”这个词的时候,我首先想到的是它作为一个地点,是很有包容性的,是因为在我的印象中酒馆会来很多很多不同的的人。昏暗的光线和噪音下可以隐藏很多东西。 The inspiration for this hand-drawn picture book comes from the literary club I signed up for this semester. We chose the theme of “tavern” when deciding the theme of our regular final project.When I hear the word “tavern”, the first thing that comes to my mind is that as a place, it is very … Continue reading “荼蘼花”项目介绍