
After watching Harry Potter in fourth grade, I just fell in love with Emma Watson. There is a sense of self-confidence and noble, which so charming. Not only that, she work extremely hard and self-discipline. Most importantly, she is so beautiful and handsome! Because of her success and personality, she create a motivation for me to go forward.

Who am I? I am a teenager who likes rock climbing, scuba diving, surfing and skiing. Even I didn’t go to the salon to change my hair style, it always change automatically!

The data we have is the Youtube data in 2014 about view, like, dislike, comment and so on of the top 100 viewed videos.

China’s 2015-2019 fiscal expenditure budget compiled table + manual explanation

This a book I read in the English Language ArtⅡ. It is about a boy in Malawi, Africa, named William building a windmill that could provide electricity to his home…


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