
Time Management

How did I do my Time Management?

For me, Time Management is a combination of time using, efficiency and self-discipline.


Since I was born, sleep as early as possible has become the essential rule for me. That was my mom’s masterpiece.

When I was 7th grade, my going-bed time was still 21:00, and 9th grade 22:00. Until 10th grade, finally it reach my mom’s line: 23:00. I’ve trying to discuss with her, but there is never a good result.

From the point of now, it is one of the most important key for me to have a good time management.

As the perspective from a student, I sleep 2-3 hours earlier than almost all my classmate, and we have almost the same amounts of assignments! So how can I finish all of it and also with a grade that’s higher than the mean in the class?

I’ve found that because my mom limit my work time(when it comes to 22:00, my phone and laptop were locked up), but I still want to finish all my works and get a better grade. So, I start from grade 4th to try to use all my time more effective and be more efficiency.

Like every child, I was a beginner back then, and I’m so s*CK at using time for four years. But as a good student(hahaha), finish all the works is the minimum requirement for me. So, in that four years, I was trying to bring more efficiency.

Being efficient is enough for me to finish all the works, but when I became grade 9, I’m started to feel that I can’t handle all my pieces. Also, I was applying for Moonshot Academy, and I need to redo my Math MAP test. So, I saw that as a goal and start to be efficient and a good time manager at the same time.

The first step that I’ve taken is to estimate how long I need to finish the specific task I plan for myself. My estimation was on track, but I put a commission after the other without rest. So it takes longer and longer for me to finish a task after another. This leads me to conclude the job on time if I’m full of energy, but I won’t be able to do it if I’m tired. So basically, my estimation is not proper.

After this, I started to plan some rest time between tasks, and I think that’s the first improvement I’ve made. That is useful for me, so I use this method for a long time. It looks very tight, but in that method, I still have much time to go to Bilibili or to play some video games.

That was my first time management method version, and it is perfectly fit my situation back then.

The iteration version of it was after half years when I came to MSA. When my works and assignments became more and more, I’ve felt my time wasn’t enough again. So, once again, I change my plan. I’ve made up some practical way to rest, for example: listening to a symphony, walk around in the school, go to the rooftop, and so on. With the effective rest method, I have much more time finishing my works and watching two movies for a week.

Always, works will be more and more, and my time management method will iterate with it. When it comes to the end of the semester, the workload skyrocketed, I feel that I need a more detailed way, so I start by building a time using a record chart. With this chart, I can discover my low and high adequate time interval and how much time I spent on a specific subject.

Specific Method.

This is the conclusion chart of December.

As you can see, I have discovered my high and low adequate time and the average time I spent on a specific subject.

I also found that the reason why it is low adequate time: In that time, my body was tired, and being tired to write. But my brain wasn’t. So, I arrange the big assignment at low effect time, which I can have more time thinking about.

This chart actually help me to have more accurate estimation of using time, because I can reference to the average using time

This is the time recording chart of January.

I will separate the time of a day, and record what specific thing, I did in that time interval.

Except for recording time, I will plan my to-do list based on work this week and next week: plan more jobs daily with the minor daily assignment.
Also, I use this chart to estimate the time I need to finish it.

I’ve discovered that it is difficult to convince myself to start this, but I enjoyed this process immensely after starting it. And also, I found I don’t have to rush before the deadlines!


After experience having more and more works, the time I can use never changed. I’ve learned that it is necessary to feel the pressure and have a positive attitude; these two things have always been a considerable motivation for me to improve.

Also, I feel thankful that my mom didn’t let me decide when I’ll sleep, even though I felt furious.

With time management, I can always figure out how to handle my workssssss, and not sleep too late. Also, rest is an essential thing in time management because if I don’t have a good situation, my efficiency will be so low, and that is some wasting time.

For me, self-discipline is an attitude for works. To convince me to try my best to stick on a good plan, not giving up when I feel I’m too tired, but I’m not. I always know I am or not, but sometimes my brain becomes a lazy worm.




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