junior’s spring semester



满怀着对海岛生活的思念回到学校,心里很难没有怨怼。尤其春季学习也没有任何的缓冲期,上来就是高强度训练。我一下很烦躁,因为事情太多了,即便每一件都看似on the track,但这就跟玩音游一样,为了确保每个音符都得点到,不得不时刻神经紧绷。五月有ap,六月八月有sat,考完就是文书和申请,一年时间被划分的很清楚。我觉得很累,虽然一天可能只上五六个小时课,但是总要到凌晨才能合电脑,todolist每天都能列出八九条。天气还没有回暖,更让人emo,甚至连压力大了出去散散步都不行,每天最大的解压活动成了拉屎和玩第五人格







2.gpa 3.94!达到了历史最高gpa,恭喜




先说说学习,也是我这小半年生活的主要组成部分。我从来没想过我会变成这样的人,仿佛一夜之间对于学术和要求、严谨,和愿意付诸的努力都翻了十倍。当然我自己知道,这不是一夜所得,是一年心智的累积和对未来的期冀。我刚开学的时候也不是很顺利,seminar和world history两门课算是相当吃力的,ap english的同学也让我这点破英语自惭形秽。我记得我最开始写东西的时候,p也放不出来,文章结构就像一坨大粪,完全不知道怎么线性的表达想法。我还是保持了自己一贯的风格,第一时间就想到放弃,也就是退课。这一点我必须要感谢eva,是她当时劝住我,最后决定咬牙上下去。那个时候我每天要读十几页pdf,写好多好多东西,一遍一遍写,慢慢摸索出一个属于自己的框架。









Mongol Empire Policy essay

Mongol Empire Policy Paper


In the history of the Mongol empire, the undeniable fact is their strong and cruel military power. It allowed Mongols to expand at an incredible speed. However, since the nomadic people relatively lack experience in how to rule such a large empire. Therefore, this essay will give some advice to the Mongol empire in the period of Khan Chinggis to help him maintain the stability of the empire. It contains policies-suggestion of the administration, succession, law, rewarding and citizenship, mixed marriage, Emperor apotheosis, religion, culture, and history maintenance.

Background information

Khan Chinggis who formerly known as Temujin, succeeded in unifying the various Mongol tribes and establishing a powerful military force. Under Genghis Khan’s leadership, the Mongol army undertook a series of conquests, including those of Central Asia, Persia, Eastern Europe, and China. These conquests made the Mongol Empire the largest land empire in the world at the time.


1. Administration 

-In order to contain more perspectives from different nations in ruling and balancing the power of the empire, I suggest that Khan Chinggis and his generals select the members for these 2 congresses to be the first session. X should be Mongol nobles and leaders, and Y should be non-Mongol nobles, artisans, and others who have outstanding performances in their fields. The most important events must be discussed by the emperor and 2 congresses, such as decisions for succession and legislation. 

Respond for 13,18

2. Succession

-Eligibility: Candidates of the successor include sons of the emperor and other 3 leaders elected by 3 main Mongol tribes (These 3 tribes should each be chosen by the emperor, congress X, and Congress Y). The successor must be of Mongol lineage, half is also accepted, and they must join the army before. All candidates have participated in the military before and have contributed to it. This is for the successor, which means the future emperor’s legitimacy, to prove their leader is capable and orthodox.

-Election: The next successor should be elected after the discussion of the emperor and congresses, to ensure the fairness of the election. Each member has 2 votes. If there are candidates get the same number of votes, the emperor has the power to decide which one.

Respond to concerns 15 22

3. Law

-2 Congresses work together to make the basic law of the empire, and the local tribes, governments, and nations have the right of explain the laws and right of execution, meaning that they can have some differences in specific rules considering their varied cultural backgrounds, however, it cannot be contradict with the basic law made by central congresses. For example, for Iran women, might need to wear hijabs to cover their body, which is an important policy in their law. But in China, since people don’t believe in Islamic doctrine, they won’t need to do this. This will be the empire’s concession for diversity and inclusion.

-The congresses will hold a leading meeting every 3 years. Leaders of local governments should come to the meeting to report their work. The congresses can randomly pick 2 places and go there for the check. 

-Each local government must have 2 leaders, one is Mongol appointed by the central government(congress or emperor) and another one can be Mongol or non-Mongol from the local. The second and third one is designed to prevent local governments from detaching from central controls.

Respond to concerns 17 20 21

4. Rewarding and Citizenship

-Mongols can learn from the Roman Empire, which emphasizes the value of citizenship. When considering the reward system, for Mongols, the government can give them money and military rank, and for non-Mongols, the government can give them Mongol citizenship and give rewards to their hometown. This can help to get the loyalty of non-Mongols and promote the integrated of the empire.

-To elevate the value of Mongol citizenship, non-Mongols will have a ceiling for the military or official rank.

Respond to concerns 19

5. Military 

-In order to maintain the strong military power of Mongols, all males, except disabilities, are forced to join the army from 16 to 26 years old. If they got a promotion during this period, they are being suggested to stay in the army, if they are not, they could decide whether to change to other fields.

-Generals will be on duty rotation every 5 years, which means their ministries and soldiers will be regularly changing. It is to prevent every general from getting too close to soldiers that they might be threatened by the emperor.

Respond to concerns 14 18

6. Mixed marriage

-To reinforce loyalty and integration, the government will encourage mixed marriages, both more plebeians and nobles. As it promotes the connection between different nations and cultures, it can enhance the stability of the empire.

-The children born with mixed marriages will automatically qualify to get Mongol citizenship, but the parents can also choose to let children join other nation’s citizenship.

14 15

7. Emperor apotheosis 

-To enhance the great of the emperor’s sovereignty, the emperor can clarify himself as the representation of the Mongol religious God in the human world. By building a connection with supernatural power, people will respect and obey the emperor.


8. Religious

-Allowing and respecting all religions to exist.

-Any leader of religion cannot recruit military power, and they also cannot enter the military management system. This can avoid giving too much power to the religious.


9. Culture and history maintenance

-An official group will be responsible for recording every big event such as the change of succession and war. It will be written in books, each year have one book.



These policies are designed to help the empire stable, avoid rebellion, and enforce obedience. The main philosophy is to promote the integration of cultures and nations, be aware of the potential risks that might cause rebellion and balance the power of different institutions.

Advanced World History Performance Assessment

Bagels teamwork achievement!!


Our topic is murals during the Silk Road period reflect cultural fusion. This video includes evidence pieces from 5 different documentaries that talk about the Silk Roads civilization. We built connections for these documentaries and evidence to revitalize the glory of Silk Roads, forming a new video with the BGM lyrics adapted by ourselves.

By Amber, Eva, Echo, David, Sally

Linguistic relativism-AP English language and composition performance assessment

Linguistic relativism12.31

Unit 3 Performance Assessment Advanced English Language and Composition Amber Shen
Word Count: 1214


Linguistic relativism is a concept known as the principle of linguistic relativity or the Sapir- Whorf Hypothesis. It is related to cognitive science which basically suggests that language influences people’s perceptions and behavior. Although there is controversy over the specific extent to which language influences perception, generally speaking, linguistic relativism would construct people’s way of thinking and further impact their cognition and interaction with the world

Language Shapes People’s Different Thought Patterns

linguistic structures can construct people’s way of thinking and form the habitual thought patterns of speakers. According to Yunxi Fei, there are differences in distinct preferences in word presentation, and the main idea selection between English and Chinese reflects this idea (Fei, 2014). English is more focused on rationality, focusing on specific details and logical correlations for arguments. However, the Chinese emphasize visualizing the content. It prioritizes overall impressions and intuitive feeling. For instance, when we describe a garden, English speakers might tend to depict it “The garden is blooming with a variety of flowers, including red roses, purple lavenders, and sunflowers.” This description focuses on listing specific flower species and colors to be the evidence, to build a logical and detailed scene. As for Chinese speakers, they tend to write “In the garden, the colorful flowers compete with each other and the green leaves sway gently in the breeze, creating a vibrant scene.” It can be found that it focuses on creating a vivid visual picture that makes people feel the beauty and liveliness of the scene. The differences in these descriptive ways prove the key role language plays in constructing thought. This demonstrates how the characteristics of language itself influence people’s understanding of things which will lead to different expressions. The long-term impact of their own linguistic environment lets people tend to understand and describe in specific ways finally forming unique perception habits with different emphases.

Vocabulary system influences people’s perception of the world

Vocabulary systems in different languages would create differences and limitations on how people perceive the world, especially occurs when cross-cultural communication. The actual language we speak plays an important role in interacting our reality. By comparing languages, we can see differences in the way we talk about the world. In English, we have the
words grandfather and grandmother, but no single word that distinguishes between a maternal grandfather and a paternal grandfather. But in Swedish, there’s a specific word for each grandparent: morfar is mother’s father, farfar is father’s father, farmor is father’s mother,
and mormor is mother’s mother (Crystal, 2005). So when cross-culture people communicate with each other, if an English speaker wants to talk about his story with his maternal grandfather, the general word “grandfather” might make the Swedish speaker feel confused about which person he is discussing. In this kind of vocabulary difference, it can be inferred that the design of language actually influences people’s interaction with and expression of the world. This will lead them to have different reactions to the same event. Slight differences in the designing of language systems can cause obstacles or misunderstandings when people trying to comprehend other cultures’ communication scenarios. Their value to the world is rooted in thought patterns constructed by distinctive linguistic systems. Therefore, the vocabulary system has a strong influence on an individual’s understanding of the entire world.

Language determines perception and the following behavior

Although the theory of the impact of language to perception has been accepted in most cases, the specific extent of it remains a matter of controversy due to the Weak Whorf Hypothesis. This hypothesis proposed that “the language you speak influences perception, but does not determine which thoughts you can have” (The Whorf Hypothesis, n.d.). It suggests that humans have cognitive flexibility, meaning that language’s influence on perception is more of a slight guidance or reference rather than being controlled by language. A famous example supporting the Weak Whorf Hypothesis is an indigenous group in Australia, which is the speakers of the Kuuk Thaayorre language. These speakers are not use direction terms like “left” or “right” but describe all spatial relations based on cardinal directions. For example, when they depict the location of the object, they tend to say “the cup to the east” instead of “to the right”. This linguistic habit provides Kuuk Thaayorre speakers with an outstanding directional perception ability. They can point out geographical directions even in unfamiliar environments very accurately. This shows that although language brought unique capability to Kuuk Thaayorre speakers and promoted their perception, their determination is more based on facts which is the physical direction rather than language. Their distinctive linguistic convention won’t affect their judgment. So language functioned more as a container of one’s expression that demonstrates language influences but does not determine thought.

However, this theory overlooks an important point is how to define the relationship and difference between influence and determination. These two concepts are almost impossible to separate since the biases brought by language are already embedded in cognition. This not only determines the outcome of thought but also impacts the subsequent decisions made driven by thoughts. In the case of the Kuuk Thaayorre language, the issue is that the terms for whatever cardinal direction or relative direction, all refer to the same factual concept that has universal true answers. Therefore, the influence of language does not constitute a bias. In fact, this kind of convention is relatively rare. Many customs in other languages are unique and sole, which means their meanings might not having a unified correct answer in other cultures or languages. In such scenarios, thoughts that contain preferences pass through in language. It will form biases that unconsciously determine the speaker’s thought outcomes. For example, in languages like French, German, and Spanish, nouns are categorized with gender identities. As mentioned in “The Language Hoax,” it is easy to suppose that people whose languages assign genders to inanimate objects perceive those objects as meaningfully more male or female than speakers of English (Mcwhorter, 2016). This emphasizes the determination of perception brought by gender labeling, further affecting people’s actions. In German, the word for “bridge” (Brücke) is feminine. It will lead speakers to naturally associate bridges with female characteristics, such as elegance or tenderness. However, there is no similar implicit meaning of “bridge” in other languages, and therefore, creating a gap in understanding. In this case, the unique language convention already offers a bias to German speakers before they realize it, and causes them to believe the bridge should be more related to women. This perception can further extend to practical decisions, where designers might prioritize aesthetic appeal to be elegant in bridge construction in order to highlight the feminine style. Considering these, in most cases excluding examples with factual meanings, language will affect people’s perceptions. This effect will determine their thoughts and reveal in their later behavior.


To conclude, linguistic relativism through the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis has shown the profound influence of language on building an individual’s thinking process and perceptions of the world. While the Weak-Whorf Hypothesis presents that language impact won’t directly influences one’s thoughts, it is not applicable in most cases since the diversity of language conventions leads to different biases that are embedded in the human mind before they realize such things in thinking.


Fei, Y. (2014). The differences in thinking patterns between English and Chinese in Chinese students’ English writing. School of Foreign Languages, East China University of Science and Technology.

The Decision Lab. (n.d.). The Whorf Hypothesis. The Decision Lab. https://thedecisionlab.com/ reference-guide/linguistics/the-whorf-hypothesis

Crystal, D., How Language Works: How Babies Babble, Words Change Meaning, and Languages Live or Die (Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 2005), 155.

Mcwhorter, J. H. (2016). The language hoax : why the world looks the same in any language. Oxford University Press.

News analysis-abortion

Weekly News 12.14

The news article “Texas Judge Grants Woman’s Request for Abortion, in Rare Post-Roe Case” written by J. David Goodman was published in the New York Times on December 7, 2023. The article discusses an important judgment decision in Texas that granted a lady Kate Cox, an abortion. Despite the state’s strict abortion policies, her fetus was diagnosed with a fatal condition to be an exceptional case. However, the judgement is still controversial, and been pointed out that the legal responsibility of stakeholders might be ambiguous. To elaborate, the author first introduces this judgment by mentioning Judge Maya Guerra Gamble issued a temporary restraining order for Kate Cox to have an abortion without facing penalties. After knowing the background, the reading asserts that it represents a broader challenge to Texas’ abortion laws rather than a mere single event because This ruling is the first instance of seeking a court-sanctioned abortion since the federal right was overturned.  So the author includes the opponent’s view in the following paragraphs like the Texas attorney general opposed the ruling and threatened legal consequences. The author establishes a logical line of reasoning in this process, to first explain the current phenomenon, point out its implicit significance and enhance the complexity by engaging with the opposing claim.To better construct the arguments, the author also involves rhetorical skills like ethos, pathos, and logos. For ethos, the author introduces an interpretation from Marc Hearron to this case. As an attorney with the Center for Reproductive Rights, his professional background adds to the article’s authority and credibility. Pathos also appears when the author suggests the dilemma of Kate Cox, “…her lawyers said she had visited the emergency room four times because of pain and discharge…”. This detail portrays Cox’s physical and emotional pain which enhances the reader’s emotional reaction and makes them tend to believe author’s viewpoint. Lastly, the logos provide strong reasoning stemming from scientific report to illustrate why she needs for abortion in such circumstances. “Ms. Cox’s fetus was found to have trisomy 18, a genetic condition that in all but very rare cases leads to miscarriage or stillbirth…”, suggesting the severity of this illness. Overall, the author makes his work be very compelling to readers, especially those who interested in women’s rights and law through these strategies. However, leaving the skills and focus on the content of the article, some issues begin to be revealed. Most of the evidence consists of the author himself or comments from others, which can be categorized as secondary sources. However, the primary sources could provide more detailed and neutral messages. The lack of support from primary sources reduces the credibility of the article since readers are unable to identify the authenticity of this information and any biases it may contain. Therefore, although the author provides a good discussion about abortion, and raises public awareness of social issues such as women’s rights and medical concerns, the evidence selected by the author might not be comprehensive enough for readers to fully understand the complexity of the event.Reference

Goodman, J. David. “Texas Judge Grants Woman’s Request for Abortion, in Rare Post-Roe Case.” The New York Times, 7 Dec. 2023, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/07/us/texas-abortion-ruling-exception.html?searchResultPosition=1



ap seminar的irr拿了班里top1,tmp满分;econ考了满分,statistic120/100,就连一直吃力的世界史也上A了。从没想过我的这坨学术也能冲到top水平,可见过去一年经历对我的reshape还是卓有成效,果然很多事的反应都不是既时的,总是要有慢慢回味规整的过程






我的current dream school还是bc,location和campus都很理想,学术水平也高,学校校风规模也都很棒,在国内也没有那么popular,也不想ivy那样对我来说过于遥不可及,所以我打算先按着这个目标努力。托福 sat ap gpa,我想这桩桩件件都会慢慢攻克的,我还是对自己很有信心。


